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Evening Lamping 3Rd Aprill

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you peterboro lads are a funny lot.keeping reciepts for a business thats costing you money.as for your land 30 pigeons and 7 rabbits i will give it a big miss.over far and over shoot land just trying to get the last bit of money out of it

30 pigeons with 4 inches of snow sounds pretty good to me as is 7 rabbits for a newbie shooter ,it cost me nothing i work for the farm our shoots fully booked and the deer stalking going well, pigeons always about as are the rabbits so im sure i will cope without you custom thanks i do enjoy are chats as everytime you bump my posts i get a pm saying dont worry hes a troll lol chat soon leslie cheers karl

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cant see you peterboro lads getting much work here everybody has been put wide about you lot and your shooting trips.




no thanks once bitten twice shy :bye:


:hmm::hmm: whats to watch out for ??

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Leslies far from a troll he has over 40 thousand arces up in gods country yorkshire and is well re spected local shooter he helps lads young and old for the love of the sport :bye:

gods countrys scotland just to put you right :thumbs:

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Thought that was Ireland. Don't Wales have a similar claim?


Leslies far from a troll he has over 40 thousand arces up in gods country yorkshire and is well re spected local shooter he helps lads young and old for the love of the sport :bye:

gods countrys scotland just to put you right :thumbs:

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