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Camera Down Throate

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Its different for women.

FFS Pip thats like a paragraph from 50 shades of grey.....

" never felt a thing " piss off .....................no point sticking a camera down they might just as well shine a f****n torch down your gregory by the sound of it !!

ive had the camera down my throate a good 15 years ago. i just had the spray, once i controlled my breathing and relaxed i didnt find it all that bad. what did piss me off was the two doctors stood there having what felt like a hour long discussion about what they could or couldnt see whilst the camera was in me.

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i've had it mate, its uncomfortable and your burping and farting for fun

but you'll get seen too first as your not getting k.o'd

wait till your reading the forms you have to sign

and it says ou may lose teeth......... :yes:

the only thing that bothered me was when they tryed to hold my arms down

dont worry you'll be like a grimsby sword swallower when they've finished............. :laugh::laugh:

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its a really bad experience :bad: its alright the doctor telling you to keep swallowing and your bawking ye head off,you can feel it inch by inch sliding down you throat and into your gut while bile is dribbling out your mouth :D

FFS Pip thats like a paragraph from 50 shades of grey..... :laugh:

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going in for the above in the morning any one had it done,ive opted not to be knocked out as if i have my throate sprayed i can leave straight afterwards and go back to work,the other way is you have to have some one with you and it says it takes 2 hours

Dont panic and lets look for a positive.............Could have been going in the other end!!... :yes::D


would'nt matter which end they put it in you would it mate..................... :whistling::whistling:

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going in for the above in the morning any one had it done,ive opted not to be knocked out as if i have my throate sprayed i can leave straight afterwards and go back to work,the other way is you have to have some one with you and it says it takes 2 hours

Dont panic and lets look for a positive.............Could have been going in the other end!!... :yes::D


would'nt matter which end they put it in you would it mate..................... :whistling::whistling:

It would for the next patient...... :laugh:

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thanks trevor,ha ha for the rest of you stop making me fill me pants only joking chaps i knew there would be a mixed reaction i just dont fancy being knocked out ,it happened to me when i was about 10 in a boxing match and that was without the side effects of drugs and i didnt like the feeling then when i come around the only thing that was hurt was my pride as a young lad

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The thing is jjm....if it was a case of being knocked spark out then great no problem.........but your not,your only under just enough to take the edge off it ( which it doesnt anyway ) as you have to be awake enough for them to talk to you.........why i went for local second time round as well i dont know !

Let us know how it go,s mate and dont sweat it too much it usually only takes about 2 hours :whistling:

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