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This reminds me of an article I read years ago written by an American lady whose vet had discovered her saluki had an enlarged heart,,,,double the normal size....and had condemned the dog to a lifetim

Experienced dogs like that don't just throw themselves at the hare as soon as they get to within a few feet of it: they've learned that the hare can throw a jink at the last second, leaving the dog i


What ever the quarry the saluki is on it will choose which ever metod needed to catch what it is pursuing. They will kill quick if the opportunity arises but are perfectly capable to put in a long shift if needed.


In the clip troter58 put up the dog running did catch quick which was quite impressive but most of the saluki type seem to wear hares down rather than try to catch quick even when it looks like they can catch quick if they wanted to.

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Salukis are an animal developed over thousands of years they are coo from hot climates so genetically modified in thier development to expend only sufficient energy as required to get the job done the muscle structure is elongated in order to conserve energy to maintain a speed over long distances the lurchers and greys have ball muscle mass for quick bursts of energy. Its unfortunate that salukis cant satisfy the wham bam thank you mam brand of coursing but can put on a turn of speed when required and are very capable of taking all sorts of game.

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Salukis are an animal developed over thousands of years they are coo from hot climates so genetically modified in thier development to expend only sufficient energy as required to get the job done the muscle structure is elongated in order to conserve energy to maintain a speed over long distances the lurchers and greys have ball muscle mass for quick bursts of energy. Its unfortunate that salukis cant satisfy the wham bam thank you mam brand of coursing but can put on a turn of speed when required and are very capable of taking all sorts of game.


That makes sense :thumbs: Iam interested in all types of running dog, nothing to do with not being satisfied.

Edited by C Hall
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Salukis are an animal developed over thousands of years they are coo from hot climates so genetically modified in thier development to expend only sufficient energy as required to get the job done the muscle structure is elongated in order to conserve energy to maintain a speed over long distances the lurchers and greys have ball muscle mass for quick bursts of energy. Its unfortunate that salukis cant satisfy the wham bam thank you mam brand of coursing but can put on a turn of speed when required and are very capable of taking all sorts of game.

I am learning here. Regarding the way the muscles develop I can see the logic behind the different type of muscle, but what happens to the elongated muscles when they are crossed with a ball type muscle? It's a genuine question I am not taking the P



Edited by tiercel
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if you look at the saluki x muscle it is usually more elongated than a say a grey whippet x or a deerhound grey x that is part of what enables the saluki x to have more wind than the other crosses , another example if you look at a thorough bred race horse the out and out sprinters have well defined muscle structure to enable the fast acceleration the stayers and national hunt horses muscle structure is not as pronounced but to come back to the hounds it is not only the muscle structure of the saluki that is different there is a larger heart in a saluki and more overall lung capacity than in a greyhound this enables the slow burn of energy and the blood to be pumped round quicker to get the blood reoxygenated quicker hence faster recovery and longer time before fatique sets in as with the best racing greyhounds and race horses the breeding of top class salukis is a science not bang a saluki over a bitch and get betterstamina but that unfortunately is the way a lot of "Dogmen" appear to think

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if you look at the saluki x muscle it is usually more elongated than a say a grey whippet x or a deerhound grey x that is part of what enables the saluki x to have more wind than the other crosses , another example if you look at a thorough bred race horse the out and out sprinters have well defined muscle structure to enable the fast acceleration the stayers and national hunt horses muscle structure is not as pronounced but to come back to the hounds it is not only the muscle structure of the saluki that is different there is a larger heart in a saluki and more overall lung capacity than in a greyhound this enables the slow burn of energy and the blood to be pumped round quicker to get the blood reoxygenated quicker hence faster recovery and longer time before fatique sets in as with the best racing greyhounds and race horses the breeding of top class salukis is a science not bang a saluki over a bitch and get betterstamina but that unfortunately is the way a lot of "Dogmen" appear to think. Abetter example is look at a 100 meters runner they have legslike tree trunks and are built like body builders for fast explosive effort where as the distance runners have less defined muscle shape and can hold a set pace for longer periods, Sorry to the lad for hijacking his thread.

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