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Low Fox And Rabbit Numbers On Your Permission?

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Rabbits a bit low foxes every where shot 6 last night and 2 just in field by house tonight coming in to stink pit. To be honest think this weather has knocked them about a bit as all skinny fuckers.. I recon with rabbit numbers and weather maybe foxes won't have such success cubbing this year. Will have to wait and see.

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poor numbers of rabbits for the last 7 yrs , mixi etc used to shoot well into 30 s and some times 50 s even with lurchers had some good nights

no i go lamping with dog for fresh air ,the mixi / rhd may have struck here as the rabbits have just died overnight ie no suffering where you pick the odd ones up on footpaths etc as for foxes they ve buggered of due to lack of rabbits around the wind bushes ,used to have at least 2 breeds off a yr ?????

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one of my places they run a little shoot,surrounded by unshot land , we have shot 17 from the highseats while waiting for the deer to make an appearance.The keeper thinks we walk on water.!!..Our best evening we shot 1 each from the seat ,1 fallow buck , & as we were leaving one crossed the track and stopped about 100m out ,my mate put the light on her,i grabbed the rifle,got out ,loaded,then she just started to move when the 6.5 hit .Three foxes ,one deer goodnight.The fox numbers seem to stay the same ,shoot one ,couple of weeks or less later another moves in.Rabbits are slightly down on a couple of places,but not much .

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my perms riddled with rabbits i said on another topic that i took a mate shooting at my permission and hiss exact words where ''its like biblical perportions''

no joke lamp up the fieldat night and it just moves

all good fun for me tho :thumbs:

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