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He Who Waits

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Evening all


I been after these two magpies for a week or so but as you can see managed to take the two out :)


When I arrived at my permission as usual I had a look about to see what was about in the fields and along the hedges. I have seen and heard the magpies but wasn't given chance to take a shot till now.


Mr crow was first as he was on a stone dyke about 60+ yards away so a wee stalk to get into a good resting point, got him into the crosshairs squeezed the trigger whack a soild

chest shot at 40 yards, he fell forward into the field. This got the attention of one of the magpies who raced over with alot of noise and started pecking and attacking the dead crow.


Gave it 3-4 mintues and this paid off with the second one coming into to see what all the fuss was about, both were dispatched with a clean heart lung shot. Just glad the second one stuck around for that time between loading up.


Also had my first night at a hft club, really enjoyed it going to keep at it :)








Edited by Stuart1985
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