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Right Annoying Silly Beginner Questions You All Love So Much :d


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Finding Myself increasingly more drawn to getting outdoors the longer I live with the Fiancee as im sure a few of you married fellas will understand and only tell me so my dad says it gets worse lol


Always fancied a BOP since my local VET had one and he used to let me feed it and fly it up the road and back years ago,


Some perhaps seemingly obvious questions to you lot but perhaps not to me


1) CATS first and foremost I have in my neighbour quite a few cats due to two crazy cat ladies at opposite ends of the street(since ive bought the lurcher they don't seem to come into my garden much BUT)

are they going to be a major issue? i.e if I set the bird out in the garden on a perch? or should I be worried for the cats lol thinking FHH or Gos


2) Converting a shed to use i.e putting in a mesh front etc or have one built up father in law joiner and brother in law


3) Havent got a huge amount of space due to have a larger front garden than back and the conservatory nether the less I have enough room for a typical shed type structure what size is the minimum and I understand that bigger is better etc BUT in a scenario like myself have to make do for the time being


4) Anyone recommend any where that sells starter packs etc so I can buy all the gear in a oner from a reliable source



5) Is it as EPIC as it looks ??? :D


Any help with these queries will be most appreciated guys

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ye it is epic. no, cats shouldnt be a problem suppose its all down to the cat as ive a woman across the road who has 4 and even when they are wondering they never trouble the bird. ive a shed with 1 perch running diagonally across the shed which the bird is tied to then in moulting time he is untethered and left to go through the shed window into an outside weathering thats attatched to the shed, free to fly onto a number of perches. during holidays im lucky enough to have my shooting partner to feed the bird, and as most holidays are in the summer when birds are moulting the food can just be put in but depending on what your feeding and how long the holiday is the person looking after it may need to remove uneaten food and possibly clean the aviary

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Cheers for the reply pal really helped me out,


How much was the set up cost? (just a general idea)


I like your shew window to outside weathering idea any chance of a photo to the inbox?


And why does every where have a crazy cat lady one cat is enough maybe two if the misses nags but four Feck me lol

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Holidays are out mate unless you have a friend in same game to take care of it, not fair on joe public/mates being left in chharge of summat they know fook all about, so that sone negative for keeping em, cats ?? woke up one mornoing to find one suspended from side of mews poor fecker must of died a miserable death, but then again it chose to wind up the wrong animal was all fine when it was stalking along roof daily winding said hawk up, so thats largely up to old puss, bird cannot harm him, does he choose to try his luck lol


you can leave em out to weather in a protective pen, howeever any other time you need to be with em, accdients are want to happen and we loose our pride and joy poor feckin bird looses its life I knwo which Id rather loose if push come to shove


read the books mate and the mews questions and many others are answered in em, good luck fella steady away the way to doing it right,

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