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.410 Humane Dispatch Pistol, Help Needed.

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Go on then,, elaborate and tell us how you manage that ? what are the justifications and are any of them Sec5 ?

I've already stated what they're for and I can't think of anyway of answering your questions further without sounding really condescending, it makes no odds to me whether you believe me or not they ar

I recently bought a .410 shotgun to dispatch coypus in my trap -- the longer barrel means I can cringe away a lot further than with a .410 pistol! Previously, I used an air rifle or pistol, but the critters move around too much for pinpoint accuracy -- hence the .410.


How about a .22 revolver using .22 Shorts for humane dispatch in your trap? CB shorts won't action a semi-auto, but a revolver doesn't care about blowback. They're ridiculously quiet, too. I'll be getting a .22 revolver and a bunch of Shorts myself when my French pistol permit comes through.

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