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East End Gangsters

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  On 05/04/2013 at 10:29, marshman said:

@gnasher. Lol mate how are we supposed to no what's tongue in cheek or not. So what your actually saying if you or your family was worse of than someone else's since were not actually talking about starving , you would steel or do what it takes to get more?

oh ok i see where communication is breaking down now :D ..............You are talking about stealing off normal regular 9 to 5 people.

Im talking about " me and you " meaning 2 people in the same boat in a battle over anything,food was 1 extreme i guess money would be the other...............no,stealing off decent hardworking people is wrong and can never be condoned.

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Theres nothing glamorous at all about villany, the perception of "glamour" comes from films and tv. The reality is plenty of time looking over your shoulder, plenty of time behind the door with a loa

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  On 05/04/2013 at 12:29, gnasher16 said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 10:29, marshman said:

@gnasher. Lol mate how are we supposed to no what's tongue in cheek or not. So what your actually saying if you or your family was worse of than someone else's since were not actually talking about starving , you would steel or do what it takes to get more?

oh ok i see where communication is breaking down now :D ..............You are talking about stealing off normal regular 9 to 5 people.

Im talking about " me and you " meaning 2 people in the same boat in a battle over anything,food was 1 extreme i guess money would be the other...............no,stealing off decent hardworking people is wrong and can never be condoned.

What kind of stealing could you condone?

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  On 05/04/2013 at 12:29, gnasher16 said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 10:29, marshman said:

@gnasher. Lol mate how are we supposed to no what's tongue in cheek or not. So what your actually saying if you or your family was worse of than someone else's since were not actually talking about starving , you would steel or do what it takes to get more?

oh ok i see where communication is breaking down now :D ..............You are talking about stealing off normal regular 9 to 5 people.

Im talking about " me and you " meaning 2 people in the same boat in a battle over anything,food was 1 extreme i guess money would be the other...............no,stealing off decent hardworking people is wrong and can never be condoned.

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Proper gangsters take what they want for peeps who cannot go to law for protection, they also run buisness most of us would have the sence to steer well clear of , in short they provide a service for a charge to those who choose to use em or are chosen to pay em, most of us need not worry on little bit about em, thank god, let them that deserve to worry about em do so, just cos poor Gnash comes from the east end dont mean he gangster no 1 :laugh: he comes from an area that produced some famous gangsters and has a certain mentality born from poverty , theres simply not the need nowadays :thumbs:


as siad in previous posts its the immigrants coming in from war torn countries , young men with 100 plus kills unde their belts, they the ones hungry enough to upset the current balance and also the ones to worry about they more likely to try to grab attention by going the step further thats the norm to win at al costs, most the older generation willl simply see whats coming and be greatful for what they have and move on or around them, surviaval at all costs is what its really about :victory: ya cannopt beat them thats got nowt to loose and are prepared to stand up for what they want :yes:

Edited by arcticgun
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  On 05/04/2013 at 12:32, GD Waz said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 12:29, gnasher16 said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 10:29, marshman said:

@gnasher. Lol mate how are we supposed to no what's tongue in cheek or not. So what your actually saying if you or your family was worse of than someone else's since were not actually talking about starving , you would steel or do what it takes to get more?

oh ok i see where communication is breaking down now :D ..............You are talking about stealing off normal regular 9 to 5 people.

Im talking about " me and you " meaning 2 people in the same boat in a battle over anything,food was 1 extreme i guess money would be the other...............no,stealing off decent hardworking people is wrong and can never be condoned.

What kind of stealing could you condone?

Absolutely none,stealing is against the law and i dont condone breaking laws.......................im not one of these " its ok to steal from the big companies " or " vat fraud is ok ".................to me crime is crime its against the law and you get banged up for it if thats the career choice you have made then trying to justify it should be the last thing on your mind................im simply saying i respect someone who go,s out and gets what he wants/needs even if he does have to step on a few toes,moreso than somebody who just stands with their hand out and accepts their lot.

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  On 05/04/2013 at 12:15, gnasher16 said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 10:21, hutch6 said:

Honesty is the only thing anyone can ask of you.


It boils down to the fact I couldn't bear the thought of someone living in fear of me or having to do wrong by them when there are alternative ways of getting the best out of them along with what you want in return that benefits both parties.

The gangnamster lifestyle means nothing to me because I just couldn't be that way with people, I'd be a mobsters nightmare :D :D :D


My folks come from nothing, made soemthing, lost it all and then built it back up again so that's where I get it from. They get it from their folk's who were grafters through and through despite working for nothing and having nothing, it was always about the family, if they were short they went out and found work to earn it.

Like i said,its an admireable trait..............but " working hard " is a trait thats more rare than people care to admit......i havent got it i know that much !.....

I say again most of us are products of our enviornment......same as you dont see many Cambridge graduates come out of shitty inner city council estates you dont see many lifelong criminals come out of rural Oxfordshire............i take my hat off to folk like you and yours who work for nice things........but i also take my hat off to folk who take a chance in life to get nice things and are not willing to just sit by and accept their fate collecting a dole cheque every week.....if thats the wrong attitude to have then so be it.


So you take your hat off to the guy that took a chance and broke into my house, let one of the dogs out to run up the main road (luckily collected by the dog warden before anything happened to her), turned my house over, stole some of my nice things and all because they were wanting a quick fix of cash?


Luckily I spent the time grafting a living, devoting a bit of time to study and also enjoying my hobbies (it's not hard, everyone can do it) so that I could afford the insurance. Unfortunately I had to give up my time that I will never get back through no fault of my own by giving statemenst to the police, crime prosecution teams, insurance loss adjusters, getting my house in some kind of order again, repairing stuff that had been needlessly broken, picking my dog up and having to pay for the priviledge alogn with sorting out the two that were cowering in the corner when I got back, cleaning all of the mess and stuff they'd left along with all of the stuff the forensic teams left when looking for evidience and then having to go out and replace all of the stuff that had been nicked. That is a cost that can never be repaid but had to be spent. What did I get in return for this? Feck all. What did I want as a consqeuence asked the CP team, I replied - "an apology, face to face". They refused.


Yeah, takes a lot of pride and demands a boat load of repsect stealing from folk.


Being held at knife point when you're 14 at a cash machine, that takes a real man who is obvioulsy blazing a well respected path.


Regardless if they are just doing enough to feed their family or to fund their lavish lifestyle soemone has to suffer for their gain in some form or another. PAthetic b*****ds the lot of them. They may be tough but they are not even worthy of standing close to the shadow of what I would class as a man. I was raised by a man that no matter how bad things got he upped his game. I didn't see him most of the time as a kid because he was working all the overtime god sent and then doing night school classes so he could gain the promotion he needed. We didn't have a pot to piss in at one point and were living between family members but he and my mother scrimped every penny they could and eventually they came out on top and what spare tiem they had they fully invested it in their children. From the two roughest estates in the area they grew and are now living the life they worked so dam hard to achieve without the need to commit any crime, do wrong by anyone or gain means through any negative activity. It was always about bettering themselves. Whilst my dad was working and at night school my mum would work part-time during the day and then work two jobs in the evening - one at a petrol station and then when that shut she worked at a night club as the cloak room attendant until the early hours. They worked around each other and their kids to make ends meet and then some. They put themselves out there so they didn't have to put anybody out.


My dad started out cleaning out chicken sheds. He then saw a guy setting up telephone wires and thought "I can do that". He went and resat his exams at college in the evenings and finally go the job as a telecoms engineer. He worked for BT since he was 17, evolving his skills to get higher up the chain, until he was 48 when he took early retirement. I left school on the friday and my dad had found me a job as a labourer that started on the Saturday morning. I didn't like it so I went to college and I've never been out of work or not studying ever since.


That's the environment I'm a product of so what gives someone the right to think they can just take from people who have strived and worked for a better life and why the hell would anyone respect that person for just taking because they are without? Wouldn't it take more of a man and earn more respect to ask - "How did you manage it and how can I go about it doing so I can have the thuings that have through the self-respect of earning them myself?"

Edited by hutch6
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  On 05/04/2013 at 12:50, gnasher16 said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 12:32, GD Waz said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 12:29, gnasher16 said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 10:29, marshman said:

@gnasher. Lol mate how are we supposed to no what's tongue in cheek or not. So what your actually saying if you or your family was worse of than someone else's since were not actually talking about starving , you would steel or do what it takes to get more?

oh ok i see where communication is breaking down now :D ..............You are talking about stealing off normal regular 9 to 5 people.

Im talking about " me and you " meaning 2 people in the same boat in a battle over anything,food was 1 extreme i guess money would be the other...............no,stealing off decent hardworking people is wrong and can never be condoned.

What kind of stealing could you condone?

Absolutely none,stealing is against the law and i dont condone breaking laws.......................im not one of these " its ok to steal from the big companies " or " vat fraud is ok ".................to me crime is crime its against the law and you get banged up for it if thats the career choice you have made then trying to justify it should be the last thing on your mind................im simply saying i respect someone who go,s out and gets what he wants/needs even if he does have to step on a few toes,moreso than somebody who just stands with their hand out and accepts their lot.

the country would be a better place if more people took notice of the last part of that satement, too many happy too stand with their hands out nowadays and accept their lot in life, but then again thats what the goverment set out to achieve when they sentenced the Krays and Richardsons, likely they looked abroad and saw what the italians achieved in America and sough tot make sure nobody else ever dared to try 'take over crime plc uk branch' ever again, well not before HM Goverment plc gets its hands on the share of the spoils lol

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  On 05/04/2013 at 12:50, gnasher16 said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 12:32, GD Waz said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 12:29, gnasher16 said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 10:29, marshman said:

@gnasher. Lol mate how are we supposed to no what's tongue in cheek or not. So what your actually saying if you or your family was worse of than someone else's since were not actually talking about starving , you would steel or do what it takes to get more?

oh ok i see where communication is breaking down now :D ..............You are talking about stealing off normal regular 9 to 5 people.

Im talking about " me and you " meaning 2 people in the same boat in a battle over anything,food was 1 extreme i guess money would be the other...............no,stealing off decent hardworking people is wrong and can never be condoned.

What kind of stealing could you condone?

Absolutely none,stealing is against the law and i dont condone breaking laws.......................im not one of these " its ok to steal from the big companies " or " vat fraud is ok ".................to me crime is crime its against the law and you get banged up for it if thats the career choice you have made then trying to justify it should be the last thing on your mind................im simply saying i respect someone who go,s out and gets what he wants/needs even if he does have to step on a few toes,moreso than somebody who just stands with their hand out and accepts their lot.

Probably not the best thing anyone can discuss openly/honestly for all and sundry.

Lots of buts, but re-read above line.

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  On 05/04/2013 at 12:56, hutch6 said:

So you take your hat off to the guy that took a chance and broke into my house, let one of the dogs out to run up the main road (luckily collected by the dog warden before anything happened to her), turned my house over, stole some of my nice things and all because they were wanting a quick fix of cash?


Luckily I spent the time grafting a living, devoating a bit of time to study and also enjoying my hobbies (it's not hardm everyone can do it) so that I could afford the insurance. Unfortunately I had to give up my time that I will never get back through no fault of my own by giving statemenst to the police, crime prosecution teams, insurance loss adjusters, getting my house in some kind of order again, repairing stuff that had been needlessly broken, picking my dog up and having to pay for the priviledge alogn with sorting out the two that were cowering in the corner when I got back, cleaning all of the mess and stuff they'd left along with all of the stuff the forensic teams left when looking for evidience and then having to go out and replace all of the stuff that had been nicked. That is a cost that can never be repaid but had to be spent. What did I get in return for this? Feck all. What did I want as a consqeuence asked the CP team, I replied - "an apology, face to face". They refused.


Yeah, takes a lot of pride and demands a boat load of repsect stealing from folk.


Being held at knife point when you're 14 at a cash machine, that takes a real man who is obvioulsy blazing a well respected path.


Regardless if they are just doing enough to feed their family or to fund their lavish lifestyle soemone has to suffer for their gain in some form or another. PAthetic b*****ds the lot of them. They may be tough but they are not even worthy of standing close to the shadow of what I would class as a man. I was raised by a man that no matter how bad things got he upped his game. I didn't see him most of the time as a kid because he was working all the overtime god sent and then doing night school classes so he could gain the promotion he needed. We didn't have a pot to piss in at one point and were living between family members but he and my mother scrimped every penny they could and eventually they came out on top and what spare tiem they had they fully invested it in their children. From the two roughest estates in the area they grew and are now living the life they worked so dam hard to achieve without the need to commit any crime, do wrong by anyone or gain means through any negative activity. It was always about bettering themselves. Whilst my dad was working and at night school my mum would work part-time during the day and then work two jobs in the evening - one at a petrol station and then when that shut she worked at a night club as the cloak room attendant until the early hours. They worked around each other and their kids to make ends meet and then some. They put themselves out there so they didn't have to put anybody out.


My dad started out cleaning out chicken sheds. He then saw a guy setting up telephone wires and thought "I can do that". He went and resat his exams at college in the evenings and finally go the job as a telecoms engineer. He worked for BT since he was 17, evolving his skills to get higher up the chain, until he was 48 when he took early retirement. I left school on the friday and my dad had found me a job as a labourer that started on the Saturday morning. I didn't like it so I went to college and I've never been out of work or not studying ever since.


That's the environment I'm a product of so what gives someone the right to think they can just take from people who have strived and worked for a better life and why the hell would anyone respect that person for just taking because they are without?

No.....like i said about 15 minutes ago nobody can condone stealing from decent hardworking 9 to 5 people.....................if you hadnt been busy smashing f**k out your keyboard you wouldnt of had to ask that


This is where honesty gets you :D some mush ranting and raving at you :laugh:

Edited by gnasher16
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  On 05/04/2013 at 12:50, gnasher16 said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 12:32, GD Waz said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 12:29, gnasher16 said:


  On 05/04/2013 at 10:29, marshman said:

@gnasher. Lol mate how are we supposed to no what's tongue in cheek or not. So what your actually saying if you or your family was worse of than someone else's since were not actually talking about starving , you would steel or do what it takes to get more?

oh ok i see where communication is breaking down now :D ..............You are talking about stealing off normal regular 9 to 5 people.

Im talking about " me and you " meaning 2 people in the same boat in a battle over anything,food was 1 extreme i guess money would be the other...............no,stealing off decent hardworking people is wrong and can never be condoned.

What kind of stealing could you condone?

Absolutely none,stealing is against the law and i dont condone breaking laws.......................im not one of these " its ok to steal from the big companies " or " vat fraud is ok ".................to me crime is crime its against the law and you get banged up for it if thats the career choice you have made then trying to justify it should be the last thing on your mind................im simply saying i respect someone who go,s out and gets what he wants/needs even if he does have to step on a few toes,moreso than somebody who just stands with their hand out and accepts their lot.


Gnasher, correct me if I am wrong but didn't the Krays take over a snooker hal that has seen so much damage and violence that the owner simply couldn't get the punters in so lost their livelyhood and gave up the lease. The Krays then happened upon the lease and the damage and violence stopped which lead people to question if the Krays were the ones committing the acts in the first place in order to gain the lease at a ridiculously low rate. Following this they got the custom back then re-opened the hall as a club and it all went from there?

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  On 05/04/2013 at 13:03, GD Waz said:

Probably not the best thing anyone can discuss openly/honestly for all and sundry.

Lots of buts, but re-read above line.

Im not really following mate ..............the discussion is open and honest and has been for 17 pages nothings changed..... The Krays went out stepped on toes to get where they wanted to be.........we,re still on the same subject....arent we ? :blink:

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  On 05/04/2013 at 13:09, hutch6 said:

Gnasher, correct me if I am wrong but didn't the Krays take over a snooker hal that has seen so much damage and violence that the owner simply couldn't get the punters in so lost their livelyhood and gave up the lease. The Krays then happened upon the lease and the damage and violence stopped which lead people to question if the Krays were the ones committing the acts in the first place in order to gain the lease at a ridiculously low rate. Following this they got the custom back then re-opened the hall as a club and it all went from there?

Possibly mate im not a big book reader so wouldnt know for sure..............another theory could be a busy snooker hall in a very violent and rough neighborhood was being run very badly by a weak man........... along came a firmer handed approach to business and it flourished,everyones a winner.....i dont see the problem in that.

But like i say i dont know for sure i dont know all the stories.

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  On 04/04/2013 at 23:14, Milwr Jr. said:


  On 04/04/2013 at 23:13, TAXI DRIVER said:


  On 04/04/2013 at 23:07, Milwr Jr. said:


  On 04/04/2013 at 22:53, TAXI DRIVER said:


  On 04/04/2013 at 22:38, Milwr Jr. said:


  On 04/04/2013 at 09:44, gnasher16 said:


  On 03/04/2013 at 23:34, Milwr Jr. said:


  On 03/04/2013 at 15:38, gnasher16 said:

Whatever an " impasse " means............you have clearly read a lot more books than i have,and probably have a lot more education,memory and interest than i have.....so you crack on me ol son im merely pointing out id put more faith in a 10 minute conversation with the right person than studying 1000 pages of flannel !.....all the best.


A position or situation from which there is no escape; deadlock. (in this context, the position being our conflicting viewpoints).


Edited In:

Jonah, I'm more of a "c**t" than a "bell end".

But rest assured, I have zero interest in anyone's opinion of me. To me, you're all names on a screen, and thus your opinions are invalid to my conscience.

Is that how you talk to your mates down the pub ? You have certainly read too many books !


And by the way..........i looked back at your post that i must of missed earlier......the fact your telling people to read Dave Courtneys book really does speak volumes......a man in his 50,s whos supposedly led " a gangsters " life for 30 odd years.............having to resort to pleading with " fans " on the internet to lend him 25k to stop his house being repossessed :hmm:

You stick with the books mate......cos they are all really really truthful you know :thumbs:

What he has done since his days in the life have zero bearing on the fact that he has a few stories in the book. Be them false or not. I never stipulated that I believed or didn't believe the stories.

It makes for a good read, that is all.


And your throwing quips out about how many books I read, when infact it is my intelligence that is on display, not my literary prowess.

I'd wager you have an inferiority complex, considering you're talking down to me about gaining knowledge in any field, which is completely ridiculous.


In any case, this discussion is tired.

So, allow me to put things into your terms: shove your insults up your f*****g arse you uneducated moron.

I think an apology is in order.

Then you best get in line fella.

There's a queue of people waiting for me to apologize. And none of them will be getting one anytime soon.

Only trying to help,but you`re obviously beyond that.


And I hadn't asked for you help.

Milwr Jr - you've just made a fool of yourself...did see it coming so no great surprise there to be honest! :laugh:

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  On 05/04/2013 at 09:29, gnasher16 said:


  On 04/04/2013 at 23:07, Milwr Jr. said:

Then you best get in line fella.

There's a queue of people waiting for me to apologize. And none of them will be getting one anytime soon.

And that is where this " im intelligent because i read books " mentality gets you !...........................................No class.

You all assumed I read books. And I've never claimed I were intelligent because I read books, you assumed (wrongly) again. Intelligence is determined pre-birth you moron.

Granted, gaining knowledge will increase your IQ, but you must have a base level of intelligence to begin with.


Edited In:

Border Scot: I'll say it again for the hard of understanding:

I do not give a f**k what any of you think of me, you are all names on a screen. You claim I've made myself look a fool, I may very well have. But I've made myself look a fool to who ? You ?

You think I really care what you think ?


I don't.

Edited by Milwr Jr.
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