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East End Gangsters

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  On 29/03/2013 at 19:56, Milwr Jr. said:

I never claimed nobody turned government witness back in the day, they did, but they got a bullet in the head for their troubles.

Like who ?...............Off the top of my head i can think of at least 5 people who publically made no secret about turning qe............none of them " got a bullet in the head " as you say..

As much as we all like to think everything was so much stronger back in the good ol days.....the reality is some things simply dont change,and never will............90% of people will do what it takes to save their own arse.....anyone who thinks otherwise should stick to a 9 to 5 !

Edited by gnasher16
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Theres nothing glamorous at all about villany, the perception of "glamour" comes from films and tv. The reality is plenty of time looking over your shoulder, plenty of time behind the door with a loa

What Gnasher says about the krays rings right, they where pure gangsters , lived and breathed the whole scene, born out of the frustration of abject poverty, they really set the bench mark for the who

If we want to talk real villainy that knocks all else into a cocked hat then have a look at the EU, just cleared out £10 billion from Cypriot banks in full view of the whole world and got away with it

  On 29/03/2013 at 20:08, Hot Meat said:

Shame that. Was a handy little yard for dogmen. Gnasher are you surprised that the term gangster is so widespread an used? After all ain't it all the so called gangsters getting interviewed by that dyer guy or that kray woman or writing books trying to glamourise and justify there decisions in life? If I had to get my money or kicks by doing there sort if things then tellibg folks would be the last thing on my mind. Succsesfull or not.... don't you agree?

I think the term " gangster " is used by people who have watched films or read books.................its so much more romantic than the boring reality of a few blokes getting money the easy way................As for the stardom of it all.......im with you.............but like it or not theres a market for it.

Edited by gnasher16
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If we want to talk real villainy that knocks all else into a cocked hat then have a look at the EU, just cleared out £10 billion from Cypriot banks in full view of the whole world and got away with it scot free......now that's a real master at work

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  On 29/03/2013 at 22:34, WILF said:

If we want to talk real villainy that knocks all else into a cocked hat then have a look at the EU, just cleared out £10 billion from Cypriot banks in full view of the whole world and got away with it scot free......now that's a real master at work

Politicians are the biggest gangsters going IMHO :)

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  On 29/03/2013 at 22:19, gnasher16 said:


  On 29/03/2013 at 20:08, Hot Meat said:

Shame that. Was a handy little yard for dogmen. Gnasher are you surprised that the term gangster is so widespread an used? After all ain't it all the so called gangsters getting interviewed by that dyer guy or that kray woman or writing books trying to glamourise and justify there decisions in life? If I had to get my money or kicks by doing there sort if things then tellibg folks would be the last thing on my mind. Succsesfull or not.... don't you agree?

I think the term " gangster " is used by people who have watched films or read books.................its so much more romantic than the boring reality of a few blokes getting money the easy way................As for the stardom of it all.......im with you.............but like it or not theres a market for it.


I disagree mate ther are crooks thieves dealers and then gangsters. Idont read books but I have lived an travelled an met folk from all walkks of life. Granted iv never met any from london.. like you say they are just guys looking for an easy way to earn. Pity some crave fame. If this country keeps going the way it is I'll have to become a gangster haha

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  On 29/03/2013 at 23:13, Hot Meat said:

I disagree mate ther are crooks thieves dealers and then gangsters. Idont read books but I have lived an travelled an met folk from all walkks of life. Granted iv never met any from london.. like you say they are just guys looking for an easy way to earn. Pity some crave fame. If this country keeps going the way it is I'll have to become a gangster haha

So whats a gangster then ?

I wouldnt necessarily call it craving fame............lets face it,if somebody dangles 50k in front of you to tell your story.......and your now living a straight life,why not.....if you dont mind the f****n embarassment of it all that is !!

Edited by gnasher16
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Id say a gangster is a guy that's in a gang an uses crime to gain money. I ain't talking movie gangs. I mean groups of mates that have a common intrest an work together. Were I grew up the gangsters were top of the tree. I see your point if I'm being honest id do a lot of things for fifty grand. Fook embaresment I got kids to feed haha can I ask you seem to be defending gangsters so are you a gangster?. Haha or I take it you know a few

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  On 29/03/2013 at 22:57, mushroom said:

I know how they did it :laugh: Dodgy cnuts the same trick can and will be used everywhere else :thumbs:

what was it they said in the godfather , 'be an accountant, politician, men in suits with breif cases can steal far mor ethan men in suits with machine guns can' :laugh:

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  On 29/03/2013 at 23:43, Hot Meat said:

Id say a gangster is a guy that's in a gang an uses crime to gain money. I ain't talking movie gangs. I mean groups of mates that have a common intrest an work together. Were I grew up the gangsters were top of the tree. I see your point if I'm being honest id do a lot of things for fifty grand. Fook embaresment I got kids to feed haha can I ask you seem to be defending gangsters so are you a gangster?. Haha or I take it you know a few

Defending :blink: ...quite the opposite.

Your missing my point...............when i said what is a gangster................what does a gangster do ? how does he earn money ?...................If he steals it he,s a thief.......if he deals drugs he,s a drug dealer.....if he sells brasses he,s a pimp..........just because he does it with a few of his mate doesnt turn him into a gangster.............like being a gangster is some exclusive little club !

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Most I met or heard of don't really care how they make there money. But your missing m point. Your asking what is a gangster. The clue is in the name imo. Most gangs of gangsters iv met have actually been family or real close mates. An have there fingers in more than one pie. I genuinly ain't having a dig or trying to glorify them they live there own livees. Is being a dogman or a few mates that meet up to go to a gym or tinker in a garage on cars being some exclusive little club? Well I'm away to give me dogs a couple of mile beside the truck.this moon is killing me

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  On 30/03/2013 at 00:12, Hot Meat said:

Most I met or heard of don't really care how they make there money. But your missing m point. Your asking what is a gangster. The clue is in the name imo. Most gangs of gangsters iv met have actually been family or real close mates. An have there fingers in more than one pie. I genuinly ain't having a dig or trying to glorify them they live there own livees. Is being a dogman or a few mates that meet up to go to a gym or tinker in a garage on cars being some exclusive little club? Well I'm away to give me dogs a couple of mile beside the truck.this moon is killing me

Im going to have one last try before i give up :D

A dogmans subject is dogs

A man who go,s to gyms subject is fitness

A man who tinkers with cars in a garage subject is cars

What is a gangsters subject ?


I say again,the majority of people who use terms like " gangsters " are impressionable youngsters who have watched films and read books and think its " cool ".

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I see your point Gnash.


A little GANG of 'doglads' are not classed GANGsters

A little,GANG of car enthusiasts are not classed GANGsters


but, somehow


A little GANG of thieves, dealers & pimps are viewed as GANGsters, like those you see in films & grand theft auto games :laugh:

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