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Be interested to hear about working coypu Donny :thumbs:
.Not a lot to say mate ,if a dog sat back they would get chisseled, if they went straight in coypu screamed and gave up ..They could walk on the bottom of the dykes and rivers funny watching them.Used to be many channels about a foot wide 18 inches deep with grass etc covering the top, buggers used those a lot .Some of the dykes were bottomless dodgy places .When there were cattle in the fields you could feel the field moving as they ran ..Good fun in the Summer months ..Otters another ball game rated them as the ultimate quarry for a terrier ,especially when hounds were marking them and they didnt fancy bolting . :D
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are Coypu still about in numbers Donny or are they controlled to the point that people rarely see them now?Has any got pics of hunting them?


I think they are virtually extinct now mate .Got some mates in Norfolk and they never see any signs now.Pics?? no mate cameras werent invented back then :no:

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I've had terriers on Porcupines a lot of times,by accident :whistling::whistling: as it's illegal.Really dangerous for dogs,porcupine thorns can badly damage or even kill the dog.

My friends down the cost work their dogs on coypus,not an interesting quarry but somethimes they will give the dogs some nasty bites.

Edited by valerio
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