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Bailouts threats to bankcrupt the freindly eu now shows its real face , people now stand to loose 40% of their life savings . A member state is being hung while the eu gives billions to african states a. Common cause my arse a dictatorship by any other name

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We're all bent over a barrel by a few in Brussels. They can dip their hands into our treasury when they want, try and extort money when they want by using the incomprehensible laws they bang out. Bloody land pirates if you ask me.

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We dont use the Euro but we are a member state, how long before they expropriate a percentage from all accounts in ALL member states to fund keeping the Euro alive? :yes:


Get your dough shifted to a non EU bank of get it under the matress........that will make the fuckers sit up and take notice :yes:

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When we criticize "the EU", "Eurozone", or any of it's other aliases, let's remember who we are really discussing - the real power-brokers and decision-makers - the French and the Germans !! The invaders and their biggest collaborators IMO !!!

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Hung out to dry by the german/french alliance, the 10bil euro bail out is small change in the grand scheme ,the EU waste that every year,its about getting every one to do as there told ,nothing must stand in the way of the plan to run all of europe from the fatherland.Sooner we get out the better. .............. not that i see any politican actually letting us have that choice.Certainlly not Camaron,Milly,Clegg,or any of the present bunch of Tos...s, how the feck do we vote these people into power.... :censored:

Edited by sussex
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