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Strychnine Or Mole Traps ?

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  On 23/03/2013 at 19:56, Matt the Rat said:


  On 23/03/2013 at 19:07, DIDO.1 said:

I feel sick just thinking about the stuff, but as has been said some stories are best left in the past. I know phostoxin gas can be dangerous but compared to striychnine and cymag it is positivley harmless


Cymag was actually a very safe product to use. Antidote on hand, and not as toxic as Phosphine.


It's a common myth; people think that Phostoxin and Talunex are safer than Cymag - nothing could be further from the truth.

I know which I would rather get a wiff of :yes:

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fecking evil stuff. My dad used it for years and I was brought up seeing it used. countries better off without it.

is his equipment for sale?   sorry....i'll get my coat

It was an extremely cruel and inhumane poison,..I'm glad that it is gone...

  On 24/03/2013 at 11:36, DIDO.1 said:


  On 23/03/2013 at 19:56, Matt the Rat said:


  On 23/03/2013 at 19:07, DIDO.1 said:

I feel sick just thinking about the stuff, but as has been said some stories are best left in the past. I know phostoxin gas can be dangerous but compared to striychnine and cymag it is positivley harmless


Cymag was actually a very safe product to use. Antidote on hand, and not as toxic as Phosphine.


It's a common myth; people think that Phostoxin and Talunex are safer than Cymag - nothing could be further from the truth.

I know which I would rather get a wiff of :yes:


Funny you should say that Dido. I've 'wiffed' both, and I can assure you that the Phosphine was more unpleasant, and took longer to recover from.


As I said earlier, you have to remember that Phosphine is much more toxic than Cymag.


There was a case quite recently where a pest controller drove himself to a beauty spot, mixed up some phostoxin with water and swallowed it. He rang the emergency services, who attended site and sat with him for the two hours it took for him to die.


Had it been Cyanide, the antidote could have been administered, and he'd still be alive today.

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  On 23/03/2013 at 17:38, DIDO.1 said:

What method did you prefare matt, springleing it on the worms in a jar or cutting a worm with a scaple and baiting each one individually?

One or two near me used a syringe.I take it they mixed strychnine with water, then apparently injected the worm. I guess the worm lasted longer, and appeared more natural.Im guessing their method actually,but they definately used the syringe.

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  On 23/03/2013 at 17:40, Matt the Rat said:

Worms in a bucket.


In later years it was the only way you were allowed to do it.


At one time I employed schoolboys at spring half term to walk behind the plough worm picking for me...... busy, busy days.

Matt,i did this a couple of times as an adult.Hard work trying to get a good load,and trying to walk in the turned over soil ! Someone i worked for had us using strychnine, for a brief period.We stored the worms in a plastic drum ,filled with layers of turf.You could store a good quantity of worms,and they kept for quite a while.Plenty of drainage holes, and lid off,obviously.

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  On 23/03/2013 at 18:00, Matt the Rat said:

Last time I used it myself ('98) I charged £55 for the first hour and £35 per hour thereafter.


For every hour spent on a farm using the stuff you had at least another one filling in forms and maps and doing all the other crap that went with it.


Good money if you got it right; nothing but hassle if you didn't.

Interesting, up here it was something like 75p an acre, but the ex-keeper i worked for charged £1.

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....... :laugh::laugh: Oh, the good old days, and then creosote the fence.......and off for the Hovis afterwards......


Oh course you know there is only one way to stop a mole...Blow his ******* head off :gunsmilie::gunsmilie:



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  On 24/03/2013 at 19:13, earth-thrower said:


  On 23/03/2013 at 17:54, Matt the Rat said:


What was it again 2 gramme bottles.How many worms could you bait with this, i forget . LOL

100 worms = 2grs of stryc

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  On 25/03/2013 at 17:28, CHALKWARREN said:

It was an extremely cruel and inhumane poison,..I'm glad that it is gone... :yes:

Well this is it,i always believed a correctly set trap,would always provide a swifter death , for old moley......trappings definately more labour intensive,but much more satisfying,than going round with the poison worms.No fun at all, LOL

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  On 25/03/2013 at 17:26, BRY said:


  On 24/03/2013 at 19:13, earth-thrower said:


  On 23/03/2013 at 17:54, Matt the Rat said:


What was it again 2 gramme bottles.How many worms could you bait with this, i forget . LOL

100 worms = 2grs of stryc

Did you ever have to buy in your worms Matt, i understand there could be a fair cost attached,if you opted for this way. LOL

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i used Formaldehyde diluted with gallons of water, pour water over grass/ground then worms come to the surface. collect worms and rinse them with fresh water , 100 worms to glass 2grm bottle of Stryc

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