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  On 22/03/2013 at 15:48, Will 1994 said:

I noticed all the hw100s have different letters at the end hw100kt , k , s etc etc ! Now i know what all of these mean but are the actions and all working parts still the same ?


regards william

K denoted Karbine (shorter), S denotes sporter stock, T denotes thumbhole stock; therefore a KT would be a Karbine with a thumbhole stock. When a HW100 is described as 100S; it is the standard length rifle with a sporter stock. All have the same action but the K versions have a shorter air cylinder.

Regards, Steve

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  On 22/03/2013 at 17:20, A1WOC said:


  On 22/03/2013 at 15:48, Will 1994 said:

I noticed all the hw100s have different letters at the end hw100kt , k , s etc etc ! Now i know what all of these mean but are the actions and all working parts still the same ?


regards william

K denoted Karbine (shorter), S denotes sporter stock, T denotes thumbhole stock; therefore a KT would be a Karbine with a thumbhole stock. When a HW100 is described as 100S; it is the standard length rifle with a sporter stock. All have the same action but the K versions have a shorter air cylinder.

Regards, Steve

what about the barrel, is it the same length Karbine and standard ..?

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short rifle, 1580s, from French carabine (Middle French carabin), used of light horsemen and also of the weapon they carried, of uncertain origin, perhaps from Medieval Latin Calabrinus "Calabrian" (i.e., "rifle made in Calabria"). A less-likely theory (Gamillscheg, etc.) connects it to Old French escarrabin "corpse-bearer during the plague," literally (probably) "carrion beetle," said to have been an epithet for archers from Flanders.

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