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Over a month ago I went lamping on some land where there is free range pigs.

4 days later the dog started vomiting a biley type fluid it stopped eating and developed diarea.

After no change I took it to the vet.

Tempaerture was normal and the vet administered an anti sickness drug.


2 hours after visiting the vet a tried the dog with food and he began eating and has had no further problems.


While he was not eating he lost some weight and I am unable to get the weight back on.


I have upped his food and the protien content.


He is running well and there is no other issues.


Some lads I now visited the same farm in the same week ratting and a terrier and lurcher both become ill the lurcher with the exact same symptons as mine with the vomitting a biley substance.They live 10 miles from me so its not something in the locality.


Has anyone experienced anything similar.


I am considering taking the dog back to the vet and getting it blood tested or stool test for possible bacterial infection.

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It does sound like the same as what has been doing the rounds.


If the dog is doing well now digestion wise, I would try splitting the meals down into smaller meals maybe 3-4 per day as this will help the dog make more of his food.

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Could be the bug or if dogs went to same farm but didn't meet to cross infect Id consider a poison as an alternative cause.

Whatever the case it seems to be taking time to recover so give it time, will take around six week to re grow muscle. Dont over work the dog, use good quality food and good quality protein to rebuild the lost muscle. As above smaller more regular meals can help and although worming is harsh on the stomach it will need considering. Remember if its lost muscle you can see it will also have lost in areas you can't such as the heart muscle, breathing muscles etc so again don't push it hard till it's properly recovered. It isn't worth spoiling a dog for the want of a few weeks light duties.

regards n

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