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my new lurcher has alot of hair missing on his belly , legs ...mainly underneath...other wise his coat is healthy,,,,,any ideas what to use ?????

most lurchers dont have hair on the bellys, and if its greyhound staturated then hairloss on the back legs and tail is a pritty normal affliction

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Good food and exercise treat for fleas, worms etc, warm draught free bed and a little time. Then unless there is an underlying medical problem, like a thyroid dysfunction or eczema it will get the coat that it's genes prescribe it to have.

Regards s

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  • 3 weeks later...

a bit of info from the net


Bald thigh syndrome (BTS) affects a number of different lines of whippets and, although not a health issue by any stretch of the imagination, it can be a source of irritation to many owners. As one such owner, I went on a quest to read more about BTS in the hopes ofhaving some positive impact on its appearance in my youngest whippet. In my searches of the Internet, I came across the abstract for an interesting sounding article, "Bald thigh syndrome of Greyhound dogs: gross and microscopic findings" (Polly R. Schoning and Laine A. Cowan, VeterinaryDermatology 2000, 11, 49-51). The abstract read as follows: "Bald thigh syndrome (BTS) [...] is characterized clinically and grossly bybilateral hair loss on the lateral and caudal thighs. The cause of BTS is unknown but may be associated with hypothyroidism or hyperadrenocorticism.Samples of skin, thyroid glands, and adrenal glands from 43 Greyhound dogswith BTS were examined microscopically. Microscopic changes were characterized by dilatation of follicular infundibula, presence of catagenfollicles and epidermal hyperplasia. Changes in the skin from these Greyhound dogs suggest and endrocrinopathy as the cause; however, we were unable to confirm which one." In reading the article in full, the authors note that dogs with BTS showsome symptoms of some sort of endocrinological problem, but not allsymptoms. BTS also meets the criteria for an acquired pattern balding. All of that was of no help to me. I'd had my dog's thyroid tested and it was normal. At this point, I wasn't looking for the cause of BTS but rather how to deal with it. A few specific sentences in the article caught myattention: "The most prominent change was the presence of comedones. These dilated hairfollicular infundibula were filled with keratin and hair. Some degree offollicular dilatation occurred in 80% of Greyhound dogs and 30% of those dilated follicles contained hair." After I looked up "comedone" in the dictionary (it means "blackhead"), I gotto thinking. If I stimulated skin and the oil flow, perhaps it would affect the hair. With that in mind, I do three things: 1. Once a week, I use a horse grooming block (Slick n' Easy) on the dog to remove any "undercoat". It's not a true "undercoat" but that term works fine for my purposes. I suspect a hound glove would have the same effect as the Slick n' Easy. 2. Every day, I brush the dog, using a cat Zoom Groom. It's made of softer rubber than the dog ones. This includes "brushing" the area with thinner coat (i.e., the thighs).-.5in"> 3. Once a day, I give the dog a fish oil capsule (with dinner). It took a while (five or six weeks?) but, the next time he went through the hair growth cycle, his fur grew in again. The fur in this area doesn't look the same as the rest of his coat but it is fur! The thing is, you must keep this up on a daily basis or the pores will get clogged again and then the fur won't grow in during the next hair growth cycle.

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One of mine has it does my head in, tried alsorts of ointments changed diet bedding the lot to no avail, took him to the vet they said it could be hormones due to his retained testicle being a higher temp? Doesn't effect them in any way but just looks abit shabby, no good for the show scene atb

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One of my bitches used to have it: she's 9 years old now, and around 6 years ago I went entirely over to raw feeding: it took her over a year to grow hair on her outer thighs but she hasn't lost it again at all since then. I also make sure to give them plenty of greens, carrots and celery in their food. Could be coincidence, but who knows.

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