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Had Enough Of Pcps

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im selling my hw100 as im not enjoying shooting it . i have a hw80k which is my pride and joy its in .22 but i have been watching and reading all your reviews on 97s and i was sold on getting one this year , i have found a hw77 local to me for £150 and its mint its looking like a goodin but i cant help thinking its just going to be like shooting my 80 as both are in .22 . her indoors said i should spend the £150 getting tony at sfs to work his magic on the 80 making it something special


whats your thoughts guys

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if the 100 is shooting straight and you dont need the money out of it then you should just leave it under lock and key for a we bit incase you change your mind. you might struggle to replace it with another good one if it turns out you regret selling it

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I've shot springers for over 30 years, and i've still got my pride and joy after selling most of the others, a 1977 HW35 that used to belong to my dad. But just like the HW35, There's no way i would ever sell my .177 HW100s. It is just a pleasure to shoot, well built and the accuracy is superb. But each to their own i suppose,


John :hmm:

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if it was me i also keep the hw100 ,dont think i would be be without a pcp ,infact i not hunted with a springer for at least 10years,but ive own the hw 77, its a cracking gun and a that price , i would be tempted to buy it ,

you can have 1 of the springers tuned at a later date

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AYYY Good on ya bud i love pcps dont get me wrong but there is just that something special you get when you shoot a springer i think its self satisfaction with the skill in using it that does it for me.

:thumbs::thumbs: pcps bit like a point and shoot camera you cant go wrong

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  On 21/03/2013 at 19:31, webster said:

i would still have access to my other halfs falcon raptor so wouldn't be without a pcp . i just find the 100 soulless it does its job but theirs something missing if you get what i mean

I can relate to this, I'm the same and after having tried just about every PCP there was up until about 5 years ago, I've ended up with a Daystate Huntsman, a Gunpower Stealth and a HW90. The Huntsman is a collectors rifle in my opinion and although I've had it for sale, I won't be tempted to "give" it away, the Stealth is my ideal PCP, lightweight TDR that you can throw around in the field without breaking your bank account and as for the HW90.............I love it and would be very tempted to swap one of the PCP's for a carbine version as they are so dependable :thumbs:

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  On 21/03/2013 at 17:42, open season said:

AYYY Good on ya bud i love pcps dont get me wrong but there is just that something special you get when you shoot a springer i think its self satisfaction with the skill in using it that does it for me.

:thumbs::thumbs:pcps bit like a point and shoot camera you cant go wrong

i wish that was true, are maybe i'am doing something wrong :D , have a springer here and i do shoot it and every time i do it fetches a smile to my face ,but it wouldn't be my first rifle unless i lived in the middle of nowhere and couldnt get my bottle filled

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If you aren't enjoying the 100 - WHY NOT? Try to analyse what it is about it that you don't like, then do something about THAT.


I have a coupleof PCPs, and whilst they are as clinical as you say, they do suit a purpose. They are MUCH quieter for one thing and when hunting for numbers you cannot beat the silent efficiency. For enjoyment and when numbers don't matter, then take the springer just to relieve the monotony. A special springer is certainly worth having BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE GOING TO KEEP IT. There is no point spending money tuning a rifle for someone else to benfit from.

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I think if you already have a HW100 you will miss it somewhere down the road mate. It defo as a purpose. I too would normally choose a springer over a pcp if the situation led but for fast fire precision you cant beat them.

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