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Saluki Vid

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If its the same stuff as they use on there hands its henna or something simlar. They use it to harden the skin, and to try and protect them abit more i think.

Is that a dropped deer, as it looks like the desert and I couldn't imagine a gazelle or what ever it is living in such barren places?

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Far be it for me to question another mans sport but why do these "foreigners" always seem to slip 4+ dogs, not very sporting ...

they dont have the amount of wild game to run in some places so they do what they have to ;)

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Driving along with a video camera seems a risky thing to do.......one little change of direction and a good dogs under the wheels......bit of a needless risk if you ask me.

:laugh::laugh: i dont think for a second the guy taking the vidio gives a flying f..ck what you think

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Is that a dropped deer, as it looks like the desert and I couldn't imagine a gazelle or what ever it is living in such barren places?


Again far be it for me to question another mans sport but thats what i thought. Ive seen a few videos of packs of like 20 salukis coursing a hare haha.


Riohog i guess you know a fair bit about this sorta thing. How much is dropped, do they walk up ect? Whats the quality of foreign Saluki like compared to the stuff bred in the UK? Id have thought, and ive got nothing to back this up, that a 3/3 saluki from the uk (preban of course) or ireland would be better because of larger (and i guess therefor stronger id say) hares and more runs/experiance/better tested if game out there is a problem.

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the brown hare will be stronger than the desert hare .there isnt much game left in the gulf. , alot go accross the red sea into eritrea, sudan, ethiopia and so on to hunt true wild game .gazzelle and so on.. so yeah most live game gulf side of iran is dropped ,

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