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Couple Of Rooks....

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Took a trip to my field this afty after work to try my new pop up hide out. Still very wet and muddy under foot but managed a couple of Rooks which caused absolute mayhem and turned the sky black. Only trouble after that they would settle so called it a day after 2 hours, but impressed with the hide and 2 in the bag and back home in time for tea.



Edited by Dirk Diggler
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Well done mate. What was the hide like as we are thinking about getting one ?

Hide worked a treat mate, £60 off flea bay so I was well happy. This is a pic of it set up in my garden when I first got it, just trying it out. I should have taken a pic yesterday where I was shooting but didn't.



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Nice work.


Head or Heart/Lung shots? I find this time of year they are busy collecting for nests so heads are bobbing about all over the place.


Is the hide one of those with a small seat inside?



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Both heart and lung shots mate, felt more confident of a clean kill like you said, bobbing about all over the place.

No the hide is like a 2 man dome tent sort of size really but it pops up on it own, bit more room than the chair pop up I think, it's got 3 look outs so you get a better range to shoot from as well. For the money I'm well pleased with it.

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