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'Hope' our new Border Terrier pup

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I take it that bitch borders are much better workers than male borders, as (1)they cost more (2) in adverts people usually put bitch prefered or is their another reason for the bitch to be so popular£££££££££££££££££


When and Who charges more for a bitch border than a dog border???????? :blink:


lots of breeders do, when i was looking for my pup everyone i phoned wanted £50 to £100 more for a bitch :no:

but i found a bloke not to far from me selling dogs and bitches for £300 . i spoke to a woman who was selling two pups for £500 each and they where to go together , so she can :feck: money grabbers

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I take it that bitch borders are much better workers than male borders, as (1)they cost more (2) in adverts people usually put bitch prefered or is their another reason for the bitch to be so popular£££££££££££££££££


When and Who charges more for a bitch border than a dog border???????? :blink:


do you really need me to answer that, ,,,,just go to cmw or edrd most months their will be borders for sale that will state dogs £350 bitches£400
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I must apologise for my reply it has obviously been typed and read wrong everyone is entitled to sell pups why not but there is a lot of people just breeding for the money and no thought to the breed that is why working qualities in borders have decreased,as for giving pups away free i should have stated between close friends.This is to M.R.1 paul daniels is a magician it doesnt take a magician to show you a border working maybe if i to only kept 3/4 breds i wouldnt need the so called medication,at the end of the day we should all be happy for what each other prefers in a working breed and enjoy hunting in what ever form we enjoy


3/4 BRED, I only have 1 that was given to me by a friend, yes given, and he is ok, works single handed, bit slow around the setts, but true enough What area are you? may arrange a day out to see your Borders in action, not a competition, wouldnt put your terrier in where I wouldnt put my own

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I take it that bitch borders are much better workers than male borders, as (1)they cost more (2) in adverts people usually put bitch prefered or is their another reason for the bitch to be so popular£££££££££££££££££


When and Who charges more for a bitch border than a dog border???????? :blink:


do you really need me to answer that, ,,,,just go to cmw or edrd most months their will be borders for sale that will state dogs £350 bitches£400

AAAhhh must be the "working" ones that charge more for bitches eh Vixen? :whistling: not the show lot! :laugh:

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BITCH borders are becoming very sought after i wonder why :whistling:

i got my little border bitch spade when she was 8 months old it was the worst mistake i have

made she is no kc and got her of an old hunting bloke up morpath she was the runt of the litter

only pay a 100 pound for her dose not look much scruffy and would get no were in a show but she hunts like i dont no what

she is 1 1/2 years old now she has bolted foxs taken mink rats and rabbits for fun.pheasents she has even caught a woody in the garden

i can point at a hole and she will go down. not all borders are shit and the runt of the litter worked out the best for me.

my mate has 2 lakes but offers me money for her everytime we out.mind i also have kc border around the same

age he is a cracking looking dog payed 300 notes for him but does not no his nose from his arse. i love the borders but would never buy a kc one again none kc off one thats worked and no one would say they shit. when i got her my mate slagged her off saying she would be no good she proved him wrong.

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BITCH borders are becoming very sought after i wonder why :whistling:

i got my little border bitch spade when she was 8 months old it was the worst mistake i have

made she is no kc and got her of an old hunting bloke up morpath she was the runt of the litter

only pay a 100 pound for her dose not look much scruffy and would get no were in a show but she hunts like i dont no what

she is 1 1/2 years old now she has bolted foxs taken mink rats and rabbits for fun.pheasents she has even caught a woody in the garden

i can point at a hole and she will go down. not all borders are shit and the runt of the litter worked out the best for me.

my mate has 2 lakes but offers me money for her everytime we out.mind i also have kc border around the same

age he is a cracking looking dog payed 300 notes for him but does not no his nose from his arse. i love the borders but would never buy a kc one again none kc off one thats worked and no one would say they shit. when i got her my mate slagged her off saying she would be no good she proved him wrong.


Nice post matey, and quite right too. The way forward with the breed is not through the showmans hand but by doing the job that was intended for them. Form follows function, as some big old dorris once said.


Its a bit like comparing hair types, with terriers you either like it or don't.

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Hi M.R.1 I am a keeper north of Inverness i wont be using terriers again until march/april of next year,maybe we can arrange something?


Hello as much as I enjoy getting out with decent terrirmen I cannot see me travelling 500 miles, thanks for the invite, if circumstances change I will contact you via the site.


Curious to your comments on how often you work your terriers, 2 months a year, this may be the reason your terriers work well, if I was only sha**ing 2 months a year I would be a stud, sex case, keen as f**k, a bit like some of the so called workers around today.


The months you mention are out of season for me as I class them as cubbing months and I know keepers have a job to do, however, in the terrier world this is no time to work a terrier, my true workers are earning a well deserved rest at this time, I have to get them in shape for the shows!


Good luck, dont shoot them all!

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Hi m.r.1 it is imaterial that my terriers only get work for a short period,as long as they do the job that is required which they do or i wouldnt have them.If you only got sex two months of the year how could you class your self a stud surely a stud would be used more often,as for march/april this is the only time we have time to get round the dens,how in the so called terrier world is this not the time to work terriers?Good luck to you i can see where your coming from and maybe if they had to much work it would sicken them i am not in a position to find out so they will do me for now. al the best Dezmond


Hello Dez


With out sounding derogatory (think I spelled it correct) your comments prove you are a keeper and not a terrierman, your 1st quote "it is imaterial that my terriers only get work for a short period" heres another way of looking at it, can a boxer master his skills and prove him/herself with little activity in the ring, same applies to a terrier, the mre you give in a variety of setts the better they become.


Your 2nd comment, "as long as they do the job that is required which they do or i wouldnt have them", true, they do for you, not for me, there was a time I used to give, yes give keepers terriers because they were inferior terriers, but for you it is a job and I fully understand, but dont come on the site talking working terriers, they are not, they are not worked or tested enough to be given such a title.


Your 3rd comment "march/april this is the only time we have time to get round the dens,how in the so called terrier world is this not the time to work terriers? You gave a ? mark, so heres my answer NO, not to test terriers, to control yes, we do work up to April but more on a call out basis and it is the time of year where cubs can make a decent terrier look poor and possible be the death if the terrier trys to folow up tight tubes.


Well think it is time to leave this 1, gone on for to long, in fact cannot remeber where it started, was it the Golden Valley Borders? If so, do not recall seeing a answetr to the so called terrierman, think the name was Paul, or have I missed it?


You feed them, they do you, good luck


Tally Ho

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