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Fit Aboot A Scottish - English Translation Thread?

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Used ti go to school wi a wee laddie who talked like that - realise now he musta been fae Aberdeen and here's me putting it down to the fact he was a spastic!!!!

when i went home in tears my mam used to say " getae fook ye greetin faced bassa " , which i,m pretty sure is scottish for "don,t worry son mummy loves you "

My mother was scottish , and when I started school in Liverpool using words like , hoose , ben , ken ,trews , tatties etc etc made me really polular , kids loved to knock fk out of me .


if only they spoke the queens english.........save all this hassle......... :whistling:

I could be wrong but I think the appropriate answer to that in Scottish is:


"Awa an tak ya face for a shite!"




Thats "Away and take your face for a shit!" if yer struggling L1......... :toast:

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if only they spoke the queens english.........save all this hassle......... :whistling:

I could be wrong but I think the appropriate answer to that in Scottish is:


"Awa an tak ya face for a shite!"




Thats "Away and take your face for a shit!" if yer struggling L1......... :toast:


:laugh::laugh: @ you both.......... :clapper:

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THE ultimate scottish quote on here came from scottish hare hunter tho......... :D


"nae wonder some foke oan here dae ma heed in alwas seams tae b the samefoke nothn betr tae dae than bug foke"


belter that.............. :laugh: :laugh:

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I'll have a go for ya.....



good thread this lol


right scots can you translate some of the lyrics in the loch lomand song for me???


By yon bonnie banks an' by yon bonnie braes....... :blink: By those/ yonder beutiful river banks and hills


'Twas there that we perted in yon shady glen.......... :blink: That was where we parted in that shaded glen (valley)


Whaur in (soft) purple hue, the hielan hills we view
An' the moon comin' oot in the gloamin'.............. :blink: Where in a purple hue (mist?) the highland hills we view, And the moon shining through the dusk


The wee birdies sing an' the wild flouers spring The small birds sing
An' in sunshine the waters are sleeping And in Sunshine the waters are sleeping
But the broken heart, it kens nae second spring again But the broken heart knows no second spring again
Tho' the waeful may cease frae their greetin'.............. :blink: Although, the woefull may stop their crying


i love that song but be better if i understood it............ :whistling:


i always remeber watching rab c nesbitt as a kid and having to put page 888 on teletext.......... :D

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I'll have a go for ya.....



good thread this lol


right scots can you translate some of the lyrics in the loch lomand song for me???


By yon bonnie banks an' by yon bonnie braes....... :blink: By those/ yonder beutiful river banks and hills


'Twas there that we perted in yon shady glen.......... :blink: That was where we parted in that shaded glen (valley)


Whaur in (soft) purple hue, the hielan hills we view

An' the moon comin' oot in the gloamin'.............. :blink: Where in a purple hue (mist?) the highland hills we view, And the moon shining through the dusk


The wee birdies sing an' the wild flouers spring The small birds sing

An' in sunshine the waters are sleeping And in Sunshine the waters are sleeping

But the broken heart, it kens nae second spring again But the broken heart knows no second spring again

Tho' the waeful may cease frae their greetin'.............. :blink: Although, the woefull may stop their crying


i love that song but be better if i understood it............ :whistling:


i always remeber watching rab c nesbitt as a kid and having to put page 888 on teletext.......... :D



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Pellen -

Chappin - eager

Cushie - comfy

Chavin -

Fit, Foo, Fan, Far? - what , who, want where

Yokin Time - start time

Lowsin Time - finishing time

Futrit -

een - (2 options here) - eye / one

Swaaled - swallow

Teuch -tight

Teuchit - tiny

Orra - over there

Fechtin - go get it

Pluntin -


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Pellen -

Chappin - eager

Cushie - comfy

Chavin -

Fit, Foo, Fan, Far? - what , who, want where

Yokin Time - start time

Lowsin Time - finishing time

Futrit -

een - (2 options here) - eye / one

Swaaled - swallow

Teuch -tight

Teuchit - tiny

Orra - over there

Fechtin - go get it

Pluntin -


tack sa mycket............. :tongue2:

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Pellen -

Chappin - eager

Cushie - comfy

Chavin -

Fit, Foo, Fan, Far? - what , who, want where

Yokin Time - start time

Lowsin Time - finishing time

Futrit -

een - (2 options here) - eye / one

Swaaled - swallow

Teuch -tight

Teuchit - tiny

Orra - over there

Fechtin - go get it

Pluntin -


tack sa mycket............. :tongue2:


:D aint there just summit aboot a foreign language mmmmmmmm :laugh::laugh::tongue2:

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Pellen -

Chappin - eager

Cushie - comfy

Chavin -

Fit, Foo, Fan, Far? - what , who, want where

Yokin Time - start time

Lowsin Time - finishing time

Futrit -

een - (2 options here) - eye / one

Swaaled - swallow

Teuch -tight

Teuchit - tiny

Orra - over there

Fechtin - go get it

Pluntin -


tack sa mycket............. :tongue2:


:D aint there just summit aboot a foreign language mmmmmmmm :laugh::laugh::tongue2:



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