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as above, after reading the threads on the ferreting forum on M OOCHERS about getting ready for the forthcoming ferreting season and one lad who has been out doing a bit of ferreting, i have got the last bits of my gear ready, fixed the dial on my locator and have been to cut some more hazel wands for the longnet.


whilst cutting the wands with my lad, my little teckel x border got through a fence that surrounds a local school playground and has a border of wood around it, she starts kicking up a hell of a fuss, i think whats she got there. she is silent with rats and doesn't make that noise with rabbits, a cat? a fox?


i can see her diving in and out of a pile of sticks, then she throws something in the air, a fecking hedgehog, cut a long story short i was too fat to squeeze through the hole in the fence, so my 8 year old lad has to go and try and recover her, by the time he has got to her the hedgehog was dead


anyone else got a dog that will bite through hedgehogs?? she has holes in her muzzle and the inside of her mouth,but that didn't seem to faze her!

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my bull cross got one once but he got it before it curled so only got him on the nose but he hasn't seen one since so i don't know if he would do it again.

He got bitten by a squirrel onces well my fault as i was riding my horse and a squirrel shot out in front of us and he went after it the squirrel was heading for the road. so i called him off just as he scooped it up by its middle. he froze not sure if i wanted him to drop it or retrieve it and the f****r turned and bit his nose he went f*****g mad and destroyed it there and then and then retrieved its front legs back to me :icon_eek: with blood poring from his nose since then he has had a dislike for the little buggers and always give them a shake before retrieving :doh:

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Malc had an old Border Terrier dog that he used to do a lot of ratting with on the canal side. The dog used to knock hedgehogs into the water so that they opened up and he'd jump in and bite them on the soft under bellies.



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Guest foxtrack
I thought that the one of the other reasons for a badger cull was to protect hogs. Sure i read something in there about this.

lloyed'y boy it's late now mate shouldent you be in bed


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