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Hit & Miss With The Moles

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if you have never missed a mole in a trap , you gotta be summit special, you gonna make a mint if you share your secret

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i lose a few to old brock, couple to 2 legged thieves the lawnmover is a good threat aswell, on one golf course one greenkeeper never looked where he was going, ran over my stake and trap, replaced the trap and stake but with a metal stake, 3rd time i went the mower was in the workshop getting new blades as he went over my metal stake, never lost a trap after that. buy cheap buy twice with traps

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All my work is within yard of sets..somtimes there in use and somtimes there empty. As for the messiah bit brac..i think its very much established who thinks there the mole catching messiah's and its not me..im just a poor cheapskate vermin controller that ownes a sh*t load of cheapo mole traps but can catch moles and pleanty of them. INT MOLES BRILLIANT.??

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  On 28/03/2013 at 13:11, nod said:

i lose a few to old brock, couple to 2 legged thieves the lawnmover is a good threat aswell, on one golf course one greenkeeper never looked where he was going, ran over my stake and trap, replaced the trap and stake but with a metal stake, 3rd time i went the mower was in the workshop getting new blades as he went over my metal stake, never lost a trap after that. buy cheap buy twice with traps

that metal stake always handy . :D

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  On 28/03/2013 at 16:13, Probuk said:

All my work is within yard of sets..somtimes there in use and somtimes there empty. As for the messiah bit brac..i think its very much established who thinks there the mole catching messiah's and its not me..im just a poor cheapskate vermin controller that ownes a sh*t load of cheapo mole traps but can catch moles and pleanty of them. INT MOLES BRILLIANT.??


iam lost , are you trying to put a point a cross . as was said its your choice weather you have cheap traps ?.

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I use genuine Fenn traps and cheap traps..thing it the cheap traps i have are good cheap traps..and the springs are stronger than the fenn springs. Thats all ive said all along but for some weird reason i get greef for using them. Not sure exactly what trying to be proved here.

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Plenty of mole catchers use the fenn trap...but another mole catcher put me on to these cheaper traps and it just so goes there ok traps that ive used for two seasons..and there as strong as they where and killing just as good as my Fenn traps...so yeah..i think cheap traps are fine as long as there doing the job.

Its a forum..and i can have an oppinion like all.

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  On 28/03/2013 at 16:58, John Keswick said:

Hes just a small time guy

trying his best to get by..

He buys the cheapest traps

but doesnt realise their crap




He goes on and on and on and on.

Ahh get it right John...arm chair vermin controller...lol.
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Find your own cheap traps lol...ive had enough stick on here to last me a life time. Im not the kind of bloke that enjoys argument and snide comment but i dont roll over like a dog either..exscuse the pun..il defend myself.!


Its like i was saying..the traps arnt chinese...there from europe. We have a farm in central europe cz republica and a good few of my traps come from there on my last visit. I also picked up some as equally as good on flee bay. Il stick a few pictues on soon of traps i have laid between fence posts..one of wich was taken by them black and white fffffflipin badgers lol. Around my way there a total nightmare and to many of them. Iv found six lambs recently with just there heads bit off and i doubt it moles doing it lol.

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The reason is you took offence for me reccomending a fellow mole catcher to what i belive to be the best trap on the market as do may others. I have used the "cheap" talpex type traps from primrose london before to good effect but the cheap duffas just dont cut the mustard for me. They are not strong enough for regular use.

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