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That's a very good video. I think the important thing to notice is how gently he manipulates the dog. I've seen people yank their dogs' heads around hard and they've been lucky not to have broken the dog's neck! Very important to turn the head GENTLY to right and left, and only go as far as the dog will allow you to without resistance. If there is resistance before the dog's nose touches its flank then the chances are there is a problem in the neck area.


Also, the sled type dog he is examining is a lot less sensitive than a sighthound type: and many lurchers will show a reaction if you handle them roughly even if there is nothing wrong with them. Also, if a dog isn't used to being manipulated in this way it can also react badly: it pays to handle dogs often, and gently, so they know there is nothing to fear from you.


Another thing: the flexibility of the wrist depends a lot on breeding as well. Some dogs just aren't so flexible in the wrist and there's nothing wrong with them. I had a Collie Grey who from being a tiny pup only had a 45 degree bend in her wrist: that isn't really good, but it never bothered her and she worked hard until 8 years old.

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Nice clip Micky Finn cheers for posting., very similar to how i have been shown to do a few times. Like skycat says being gentle is essential and reading when the dog shows resistance.


Shame he didn't put a mat down for the dog on the table poor fecker would of been more relaxed and comfortable.

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What an informative little clip there, I hope this gets looked at by many. Simple easy stuff that can really help. Great find Mickey... :thumbs:


I'd agree with the mat too Sirius but lets not split hairs, I thought that dog was very 'well balanced' considering. :yes:

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