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.22LR Subs

Guest Magwitch

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Guest Magwitch

Remington and Magtech anyone tried these brands of subs? if so are they any good, i know they are a lot cheaper than Eleys and Winnies but was wondering if there's much difference in accuracy and noise.

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remmington rounds are smelly and we have had quite a few that have turned out to high velocity judging by the crack they made even with the moderator on not recomended at 2 in the morning out side the farm hose :whistling:

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We did some tests a few months ago on about a dozen brands of .22 ammo, although very rudementary the accuracy part of the test showed magtech to be a poor grouping round, Remmy,s faired a little better but still not a patch on eley/ super x/ lapuas. Obviously though the tests could hardly be described as fair as only two guns were used, a brno standard barrel and a fully tricked ruger 10/22.

Magwitch you should take a look at the book i put the thread on about yesterday, very interesting. :gunsmilie:

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