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Bleedin hell i am a bit stunned like. BBc2 is showing prime time a positive light on keepering. Following a young keeper about his work. The BBC likes to show anything of this nature late at night and usually against any sort of fieldsports. Ok Ok it was only 3mins or so but this has to be progress dosent it?

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I take it they are following this young lad for the series. This time they he was explaining it was near release time for the poults and how important vermin control was - footage of the aftermath of a fox getting into pen even showed a fox snare and he explained how he would despatch it when caught. The lad in the scenes is called Kyle (cant remember his surname) and not sure which estate hes on, might be worth looking in next friday - usually guff on the prog now about hillwalkers rights .

Edited by Groverdog
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We need some good publicity after that thing on BBC 2 about the wildlife crime. I mean FFS 3 minutes for half an hour of police saying keepers kill these birds all the time basicly saying all keepers do it talk about tarring people with the same brush. Just F**king pricks. The one when they were on about shooting seals they didnt say you can control seals under licence.


Regards highlander.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
The BBC likes to show anything of this nature late at night and usually against any sort of fieldsports. Ok Ok it was only 3mins or so but this has to be progress dosent it?


So sad. Jack Hargreaves used to command Prime Time TV with his " Out of Town " programmes. But that Was on Southern / ITV. Still had the nation in his grasp every friday evening though. Showing the masses what went on in the countryside.


BBC? Paid puppets of the government incumbent. That and agendarised by the contemporary 'Head'.


Sure, they can flash up some sopp to the converted who care to stay up / in long enough to watch or record it. But do ye really think it'll compete, for the nations spoon fed 'views,' with " Eastenders " ? :no:

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The BBC likes to show anything of this nature late at night and usually against any sort of fieldsports. Ok Ok it was only 3mins or so but this has to be progress dosent it?


So sad. Jack Hargreaves used to command Prime Time TV with his " Out of Town " programmes. But that Was on Southern / ITV. Still had the nation in his grasp every friday evening though. Showing the masses what went on in the countryside.


BBC? Paid puppets of the government incumbent. That and agendarised by the contemporary 'Head'.


Sure, they can flash up some sopp to the converted who care to stay up / in long enough to watch or record it. But do ye really think it'll compete, for the nations spoon fed 'views,' with " Eastenders " ? :no:


Thats what I mean Ditch how many townies or immigrants watch Landward not many I wouldnt think. But how many would watch the program called Wildlife Detectives I would think a few would watch it because its about people killing animals and holds a black cloud above the gamekeeping / shooting faternity.

Next week its about hare coursing so every man with a lurcher will be branded as a poacher / crimminal.

When Iwas at my mums last xmas for a holiday she lives in a big town.I was walking my lurcher up the road this guy walked passed and said "you off to poach hares and deer you F**king Pr**k." I replied "No Im taking my dog for a walk because he needs exersize and I dont poach hares or deer that aint for me I use him leagally for rabbits and tracking wounded foxes as I am a gamekeeper." after I had explained this the guy took a total different approach to me and my dog and we had a quick chat.

Just because you wear a cammo jacket have a lurcher or terrier at your heel dont mean that you kill hares / dig badgers. But these people cant see that.


The thing these c**ts dont show is that most of these birds of prey are thriveing on grouse moors and sporting estates because of the land use and heather burning. These incidents are only a few out of one hell of a lot of keepers and land managers but they portray it as everybody dose it and thats what these people will belive.


Regards highlander.

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