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edited by paulus


if you persist with posting about shooting fox`s with air rifles on this site your access to the site will be stopped, its both irisponsible and stupid to even think about doing such a thing.



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quick question why is that i new some one that did it with a correa 707 under triger load downd it to be honest no disagreeing with me here a rapid shud drop one at 45-50 yards thats my oppinion and if they never invented shottys or owt apart from air rifles and u had a decent airrifle and a fox walk on your field u wont shoot it rember i said if they dint invent shottys or owt just air rifles or if it took a chicken from your hen house u wunt shoot it course you going to it took your animal

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or even worser problem you been watching news few month ago if you had no shotgun and a fox came through u bathroom window and savaged your child now tell me u wouldnt because i reckon 89% of people on here would but im just putting my point across that you would use a air rifle we all no wat damage shotguns can do butan air rifle would take a fox down at probably close distance i neva shot a fox somebody i no they did it with a correa 707 no pain done killed it and took it home i no not to have a shot at one but does anybody no were im coming from that a decent air riflr will drop a fox

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