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must really have touched a nerve gray, its only my opinion that i think your full of shit!!! sure you dont need to get all upset and make such a DICK of yourself!! surely you have plenty of friends... p.s love your name :laugh:

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Look lads no need for the personal abuse, argue and debate away, but the name calling is stupid. Gonetoearth the definitions of hunting and bushing in England had nothing to do with Lowry's post, as he was quite clear that he was talking about Ireland. In Ireland while there are plenty of bushing packs, it is a totally different sport to the trencher fed foot packs which most people keeping hounds in Ireland are part of. There are 129 packs with the Irish Foot Harriers Association of which I would say 90% have hounds kept by members, with there own country, breed lines, and deep roots in their locality going back generations. We are talking about proper packs of 30 -40 hounds (and no we don't count in couples). The majority hunt hare and if they do hunt fox there won't be a gun or lurcher in sight, and I would think definitely qualify as "hunting" packs and not bushing. If Lowry was with the Ballymacads he would have no doubt dealt with many foot packs as there are a good few on their borders. Its a different aspect to the sport that you don't seem to have in England. Over here everybody rich or poor has the right to keep hounds and hunt so long as they treat their hounds, their country and their quarry the right way. I was probably too hard on the mounted packs as I am sure there are plenty that are serious about their sport and not just jumping hedges just what ever I have seen has not impressed me.


There is a handy footpack in this link on you tube, although as I have not a clue how to set up a link on this site it most likely will not work. Maybe some one else can set it up, just search You Tube for "fox hunt lisgold east cork" and you will find it.


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whos name callng , a poster mentioned hounds luchers terriers , i said bushing not hunting end of no big deal not against it just made a statement , and yes there are some fine packs over there , no one said anthing to disagree , you never know i just might have hunted with some ;)

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No problem Gonetoearth. I am very proud of our tradition, so I can get a bit touchy if I think any one is running it down. Thankfully we should be able to pass it on to the next generation. Hope we never have to deal with the problems you lads have had to over there.

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No problem Gonetoearth. I am very proud of our tradition, so I can get a bit touchy if I think any one is running it down. Thankfully we should be able to pass it on to the next generation. Hope we never have to deal with the problems you lads have had to over there.

. Got. A buddy doing terrier work over there for a pack rings me most times there out. Has some great days. Remember the royal rock went over when Jb ran them. Carnt remember the pack they hunted with but the kennles were a old row of cottages. .
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