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Hw95 & Webley Accupells

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Hi All,


I find that Webley Accupell, recommended by my local RFD, fit the breech of my HW95 loosely, and that it's possible for the pellet to fly out when I return the barrel to the firing position.


I'm careful to prevent this from happening because I don't want to fire the rifle dry.


Will pellets that are loose fitting in the breech also be loose fitting in the barrel?


Is there any chance that these loose fitting pellets could damage the barrel of my rifle?


Are there any power or accuracy implications for loose fitting pellets, particularly light ones like the Accupel (= Crossman Premier, = Daystate Li, from what I've read)?


I have had no similar problems with H&N FTT, RWS Super Field, Air Arms Diablo or JSB Exacts.


Safe shooting,



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jsb exact 8.44grn 4.52 and daystate rangemaster li 7.9 (think there 4.51 or 4.52) both fit my hw95k nice and snug, but the jsb are a hell of a lot more accurate and consistent


a lot better groups at 35 yds with the jsb and the max spread over 10 shots is 13fps with jsb and i think it was about 35-40 fps with the Li's

Edited by Skot Ruthless Teale
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i recently tried accupels in my hw97kt. i found the head sizes weren't very consistent. some were loose and didnt shoot very well. then others were a nice snug fit and shot very well. its a shame they arent all a snug fit.


my 97 prefers any of the jsb variety. exacts, expresses, falcons and air arms fields. all in 4.52. it'll shoot through the same hole at sensible ranges if i do my bit.

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