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Sea Fishing Kiyak

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I use one for breath hold diving and spearfishing as well as a bit of angling. The model is "Scupper pro" by ocean kayak. I rigged it myself with sounder, anchor etc.

My advice is to buy admiralty charts of your area and learn to find good fish holding spots and areas.

Learn all you can about weather, tides and winds, and watch the forecasts carefully. I've been caught out a couple of times and been shitting it before making shore :bad: . :laugh: . If the surf picks up then landing can be tricky too so launch from somewhere sheltered if possible.

Here's some photos:-






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I use one for breath hold diving and spearfishing as well as a bit of angling. The model is "Scupper pro" by ocean kayak. I rigged it myself with sounder, anchor etc. My advice is to buy admiralty ch

Actually, I have been writig the kayak fishing features in all the magazines (except Sea Angler - whose editor said in his editorial, that kayak fishing ould appear in his pages over his dead body and

I am a qualified kayak fishing coach (instructor) an drun courses up and down the country - and Scotland and Wales - and Italy even!   A few ictures of som eof the training and coaching I have done

Baw there's a bit of water around Ramsey Island Pembrokeshire that's called the bitches and talk about heavy water there in a canoe,scared the living sh*t out of two of us caught up in it and the fella that owned the canoe i used he foul hooked into a basking shark in cornwall one year when macky bashing and although he knew he could snap it off any time he wanted to he went for a bit of a ride behind it for a while and couldn't believe how fast it could tow him :laugh:,his 16 year old son wasn't so impressed :cray::laugh:

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  On 01/04/2013 at 10:45, Maximus Ferret said:

I use one for breath hold diving and spearfishing as well as a bit of angling. The model is "Scupper pro" by ocean kayak. I rigged it myself with sounder, anchor etc.

My advice is to buy admiralty charts of your area and learn to find good fish holding spots and areas.

Learn all you can about weather, tides and winds, and watch the forecasts carefully. I've been caught out a couple of times and been shitting it before making shore :bad: . :laugh: . If the surf picks up then landing can be tricky too so launch from somewhere sheltered if possible.

Here's some photos:-






Bass and lobster, thats quality bud, I,ve had SEA KAYAK on the list for a while now among another hundred things lol

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  On 30/03/2013 at 11:17, RubyTex said:

I was wanting to get one, then i saw a video on youtube of a fella being stalked by a great white while far out to sea while in his kayak....it was in Australia mind but still, knowing my luck i'd go down in history as the only person ever to get mauled by a great white in British waters :laugh:

I,ve got this picture in my head of you standing on the beach shouting "Texas Texas" and the waters eerily still with a stick floating on the water :laugh:

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  On 01/04/2013 at 19:32, KittleRox said:


  On 30/03/2013 at 11:17, RubyTex said:

I was wanting to get one, then i saw a video on youtube of a fella being stalked by a great white while far out to sea while in his kayak....it was in Australia mind but still, knowing my luck i'd go down in history as the only person ever to get mauled by a great white in British waters :laugh:

I,ve got this picture in my head of you standing on the beach shouting "Texas Texas" and the waters eerily still with a stick floating on the water :laugh:


Sounds about right mate :laugh:


This would be me...





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  On 01/04/2013 at 17:30, fireman said:

Baw there's a bit of water around Ramsey Island Pembrokeshire that's called the bitches and talk about heavy water there in a canoe,scared the living sh*t out of two of us caught up in it and the fella that owned the canoe i used he foul hooked into a basking shark in cornwall one year when macky bashing and although he knew he could snap it off any time he wanted to he went for a bit of a ride behind it for a while and couldn't believe how fast it could tow him :laugh:,his 16 year old son wasn't so impressed :cray::laugh:

:laugh: hooking a basking would have been scary. The scariest thing I've experienced kind of the same was fishing for mackerel, had one near the kayak, couple of winds to go and a f***ing seal grabbed it. Had the same happen in a boat but a bit different in 5mm of plastic between your arse and the bottom of the North Sea :D amazing how bigger a seal looks when your at eye level :laugh: luckily me and the mate double up our kayaks with the paddles making it like a raft or I'd have been over for sure. We don't use them open kayaks like the pics above, we do a lot of river running, camping etc, so we are in tombed with spray skirts lol. I have a piranha fusion which is a great kayak for doing all. Not as light as the old fibre glass jobbies but more rebust, good GP kayak. It makes fishing interesting lol, no rod holders etc, less stable as sea kayaks hence we double up. Fishing is the easy bit, its trying to get back in if there is a swell up that's the problem. Been caught out loads of times. It's easy saying go out on slack water when the tides about to come in but unfortunately, the tide changes by the day and if you can only go when you can due to work, what you gonna do lol. (Good wee app is tidesplanner) that piece of water you meantiones, I'm sure I sen that a few years back, tv presenter think she canoed it, or sailed it, looked dodgy lol. Been caught with shit like that, fighting heavy water, winds changed and its now blowing out to sea but the waves still want to come in. Rollers changing into white horses but from all directions, your watching all sides as the shore appears then disappears as you go down a 4foot trough. Trying to aim for the waves as they crash on you from the side...... All the while the rod you've got loosely attached to webbing on the kayak keeps getting pulled round in the way of your paddle so your half a paddle to the right, 3 to the left lol. We use telescopic rods now :laugh: trying to fight all that and still trying to head to the shore, arms aching cos the waters that f***ing heavy, you stop to fix the rod and your washed back where you started..... Not for the faint hearted :yes: but f***ing great craic :laugh:

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  On 01/04/2013 at 17:30, fireman said:

Baw there's a bit of water around Ramsey Island Pembrokeshire that's called the bitches and talk about heavy water there in a canoe,scared the living sh*t out of two of us caught up in it and the fella that owned the canoe i used he foul hooked into a basking shark in cornwall one year when macky bashing and although he knew he could snap it off any time he wanted to he went for a bit of a ride behind it for a while and couldn't believe how fast it could tow him :laugh:,his 16 year old son wasn't so impressed :cray::laugh:

I saw a program on the telly about the bitches not for the faint hearted at all :whistling:

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It varies depending on the model. Mine is this one:- http://www.twogoodkayaks.com/KayakSpecPDF/ScupperProTW.pdf and rated at 350 to 400 pounds, depending on water conditions. I'm around 13-14 stone and wear a weightbelt (for diving) weighing around 20 pounds and carry an anchor, speargun, food and hot drink, camera, small telescopic fishing rod etc plus whatever I catch. I've never had problems.

I think the angling models might be rated for more as they're a bit wider and maybe a little slower. Mines designed for diving from.

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  On 02/04/2013 at 10:26, gnasher16 said:

Just out of interest chaps.......what sort of bodyweight could a 1 man kayak take ?

Don't know about official weights gnash but me and the mate fooling around with his kid, using the kayak as a seesaw lol, kid middle, us at each end, floated no problem. We are both around 14 stone, so roughly 30 stone on it. Difficult to manouvers obviously with 2 big kids either end with legs in the water :laugh: I've had mine totally full of water and it keeps me a float. It has buoyancy aids built into it. I'm not saying they are designed for this weight but proves they can take it. You thinking of Canoing the Thames gnash lol?

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  On 03/04/2013 at 06:50, baw said:


  On 02/04/2013 at 10:26, gnasher16 said:

Just out of interest chaps.......what sort of bodyweight could a 1 man kayak take ?

Don't know about official weights gnash but me and the mate fooling around with his kid, using the kayak as a seesaw lol, kid middle, us at each end, floated no problem. We are both around 14 stone, so roughly 30 stone on it. Difficult to manouvers obviously with 2 big kids either end with legs in the water :laugh: I've had mine totally full of water and it keeps me a float. It has buoyancy aids built into it. I'm not saying they are designed for this weight but proves they can take it. You thinking of Canoing the Thames gnash lol?

:D Im not the best in/on water.............just thinking of trying to conquer one of lifes fears :icon_redface:

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  On 03/04/2013 at 07:53, gnasher16 said:


  On 03/04/2013 at 06:50, baw said:


  On 02/04/2013 at 10:26, gnasher16 said:


Just out of interest chaps.......what sort of bodyweight could a 1 man kayak take ?

Don't know about official weights gnash but me and the mate fooling around with his kid, using the kayak as a seesaw lol, kid middle, us at each end, floated no problem. We are both around 14 stone, so roughly 30 stone on it. Difficult to manouvers obviously with 2 big kids either end with legs in the water :laugh: I've had mine totally full of water and it keeps me a float. It has buoyancy aids built into it. I'm not saying they are designed for this weight but proves they can take it. You thinking of Canoing the Thames gnash lol?
:D Im not the best in/on water.............just thinking of trying to conquer one of lifes fears :icon_redface:

Your half way there then mate. Bound to be canoing clubs in your area. They usually teach you in the swimming baths. It's a good form of exercise mate and very rewarding. No better way to be on the water than the feeling of actually sitting on it. Go for it big man :thumbs:

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