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Unexpected Result "good Local Permission."

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I have been shooting for years and years but most of my decent permission is quite a travel to get to.
I have some local permission but to be honest it is a bit boring and you might get the odd shot on a good day.

There is a farm on my doorstep but the farmer has a real phobia when it comes down to shooting.
Believe me I have tried many times and he has always give me the knock back UNTIL TODAY.
I went in to see him to ask if I could cut some fallen trees on his place for logs and never thought about asking to shoot as he normally gives me the big KB,

as I approached he and his wife were standing near the outbuildings smiling and laughing as they seen me drive in,
( I thought they were thinking here is that twat again coming to ask to shoot on here )
But I was wrong !
Before I spoke he said "here is the bloke I need to see, and would I like to help him with the Crow and Magpie problem they have developed "
I could not believe it. Did I hear him right ?
He explained that he does not allow any one on the place to shoot "period" but he has been asking around
and other farmers he knows say I am actually Ok to have around and do a decent job. ( I got big head syndrome at that point )
Well as the conversation developed he also told me that one of his woodland areas are crawling with grey squirrels that he also would like me to help him with
as he wants to see the reds return and they have no chance with so many greys in the area.
I could not believe what I was hearing. I Never asked him about the fallen trees today as I might of been pushing my luck... :angel:
I have got some strict guidelines from him about when I attend to phone him each and every time, and he does not want me to bring strangers with me when I shoot.
A mint farm to shoot that no one else is allowed to go on and a farmer that is so arrogant to strangers means he will be as loyal as the day is long.
I am over the moon honest, not as many large fuel bills for travelling to a decent place to shoot. ( I could even walk on to this place if need be. )

Just goes to show ! Do not give up asking for permission as a big NO one day might turn into a big YES another day.
And more important if you do a decent job for farmers and act in a respectable manner word gets about throughout the farming community and like on this occasion its a damn good reference .

My HW100KT is going to get some graft on this place... :toast:

Thanks Steve

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Nice one Steve :thumbs:


There's as a farm directly behind my boundary wall that I haven't asked for permission on yet. The owner lives in the same row as me and we only moved in August so wanted them to get to know us a bit first. I'll get round to asking soon :)

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Thanks everyone.
The thing to do is keep trying but try not to become a nuisance by been a pain in the arse.
If someone else has the permission I normally take that as a NO because I hate these places where loads of different people attend.
But I leave my card just incase the regular shooters decide to pack in or decide not to go anymore.

Also let them know you carry public liability insurance that covers you in the event of anything going wrong ( not that it will )
And also let them know that you do not bring random people on the place as helpers or guests.
If you shoot with a person regular it might be a good idea to have them sitting in the car so if they decide to let you on to shoot they can meet both of you on the day.

Thanks again Steve

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