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Bedroom Tax Protest Yesterday

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I love how the word scum is directed at people in social housing who claim for housing benefit - as tho we are all living in carpetless, filthy houses filled with feral children whilst we sashay to an

My council house is a 'three' bedroom, but it's a double and two box rooms - literally. I have two 7yr old girls CRAMMED into one of those bedrooms. Their clothes are in my bedroom because I can't get

God forbid any of you on your high horses fall on hard times and have to rely on state benefits...because when you do..there's gunna be a whole lot of folk just itching to kick you in the nuts .....lo

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I still find it incredulous people still blinkered enough to single out the tories for all the fcuk ups happening now, do you people conveniently forget between Thatcher and now we had thirteen years of labour. As for millionaires who is and who isn't, look no further than your last shower in office, Blair, Brown, Prescott, Straw, Mandelson, if they weren't millionaires when they came in they sure as hell were by the time they went out. They're all the fecking same posing under a different banner and untill folk stop bickering and realise this we're all fecked.

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4millon on waiting lists for social housing! cant understand how people have become so brain wash buy the right wing media! and the torys!! on the same day the bedroom tax comes in millionaires get a 100k tax cut!! then remembers this 0.7% of the population are millionaires, 78% of all British MP's are millionaires!! Cameron himself is worth about 4millon and guess who claimed disability living allowance for his disabled child?? in it together! they sure are.



>4millon on waiting lists for social housing! cant understand how people have become so brain wash buy the right wing media! and the torys!! on the same day the bedroom tax comes in millionaires get a 100k tax cut!! then remembers this 0.7% of the population are millionaires, 78% of all British MP's are millionaires!! Cameron himself is worth about 4millon and guess who claimed disability living allowance for his disabled child?? in it together! they sure are.


How many of the four million do you think are incomers due to labours open door policy.



Who receives social housing?
Analysis of the Labour Force Survey highlights differential patterns of housing tenure
between the UK-born population and the foreign-born population who have arrived in
the UK during the last five years. The latter are overwhelmingly housed in the private
rental sector, and not in social housing.
Among UK-born heads of households, an estimated 74 percent are owner occupiers,
17 per cent live in social housing and 7 percent are private tenants. In contrast, of
foreign born people who have arrived in the UK in the past five years, about 17 per
cent are owner-occupiers, 11 percent live in social housing and 64 per cent are
private tenants.
New migrants to the UK over the last five years make up less than two per cent of the
total of those in social housing. :bye:
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I still find it incredulous people still blinkered enough to single out the tories for all the fcuk ups happening now, do you people conveniently forget between Thatcher and now we had thirteen years of labour. As for millionaires who is and who isn't, look no further than your last shower in office, Blair, Brown, Prescott, Straw, Mandelson, if they weren't millionaires when they came in they sure as hell were by the time they went out. They're all the fecking same posing under a different banner and untill folk stop bickering and realise this we're all fecked.

there all the same in it to line there own pockets it was maggie that got the ball rolling by starting to sell council houses and not building more so who do we blame :hmm:

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Dear god, are you for real, the latter are overwhelmingly housed in the private sector, and what?, that makes it ok, the majority will still be getting their rent paid from the public purse which in turn will affect everything not least the building of new social housing.

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4millon on waiting lists for social housing! cant understand how people have become so brain wash buy the right wing media! and the torys!! on the same day the bedroom tax comes in millionaires get a 100k tax cut!! then remembers this 0.7% of the population are millionaires, 78% of all British MP's are millionaires!! Cameron himself is worth about 4millon and guess who claimed disability living allowance for his disabled child?? in it together! they sure are.



>4millon on waiting lists for social housing! cant understand how people have become so brain wash buy the right wing media! and the torys!! on the same day the bedroom tax comes in millionaires get a 100k tax cut!! then remembers this 0.7% of the population are millionaires, 78% of all British MP's are millionaires!! Cameron himself is worth about 4millon and guess who claimed disability living allowance for his disabled child?? in it together! they sure are.


How many of the four million do you think are incomers due to labours open door policy.


Who receives social housing?
Analysis of the Labour Force Survey highlights differential patterns of housing tenure
between the UK-born population and the foreign-born population who have arrived in
the UK during the last five years. The latter are overwhelmingly housed in the private
rental sector, and not in social housing.
Among UK-born heads of households, an estimated 74 percent are owner occupiers,
17 per cent live in social housing and 7 percent are private tenants. In contrast, of
foreign born people who have arrived in the UK in the past five years, about 17 per
cent are owner-occupiers, 11 percent live in social housing and 64 per cent are
private tenants.
New migrants to the UK over the last five years make up less than two per cent of the
total of those in social housing. :bye:


Well researched Jambay ! These debates often get heated and side-tracked and one thing gets forgotten - facts !

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I love how the word scum is directed at people in social housing who claim for housing benefit - as tho we are all living in carpetless, filthy houses filled with feral children whilst we sashay to and fro from Brighthouse to pay for our leather corner suites.


The bedroom tax is taking it's toll on thousands and thousands of out of work, and working poor, and forcing many to live in cramped accommodation. Keeping two children in one tiny bedroom, for instance, or expecting the parents of babies under a certain age to share their bedroom. Penalising the parents of soldiers away fighting. Uprooting families with disabled members. Placing yet another target on the backs of everyone who claims even partial housing benefit help.


Private landlords have been left to charge sky high rental prices, swelling the housing benefit bill to it's limit and often providing shitty accommodation for the privilege.


Claiming housing benefit doesn't automatically make you a scrounger. And it doesn't give the government the right to tax you for having two kids under the age of 16 in separate bedrooms ffs.


Next to the TV license it's the single most idiotic tax I think I've ever heard of.

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I love how the word scum is directed at people in social housing who claim for housing benefit - as tho we are all living in carpetless, filthy houses filled with feral children whilst we sashay to and fro from Brighthouse to pay for our leather corner suites.


The bedroom tax is taking it's toll on thousands and thousands of out of work, and working poor, and forcing many to live in cramped accommodation. Keeping two children in one tiny bedroom, for instance, or expecting the parents of babies under a certain age to share their bedroom. Penalising the parents of soldiers away fighting. Uprooting families with disabled members. Placing yet another target on the backs of everyone who claims even partial housing benefit help.


Private landlords have been left to charge sky high rental prices, swelling the housing benefit bill to it's limit and often providing shitty accommodation for the privilege.


Claiming housing benefit doesn't automatically make you a scrounger. And it doesn't give the government the right to tax you for having two kids under the age of 16 in separate bedrooms ffs.


Next to the TV license it's the single most idiotic tax I think I've ever heard of.

well said i know disabled people that are facing there centers that they go to 2 days a week getting closed plus the bedroom tax which one of them uses his spare bedroom for his wheelchair and other accessorys he has is talking about suicide because he cant take the pressure of it all

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lol some good points but how ironic,when all was going well.most wouldnt give a shit about council homes,and even less for them that live in them.now we are in a recession and the banks arent giving out loans/mortgages.so now council houses are in great demand once again.so whats the deal here,kick all th

e people from thier homes who rely on housing benefit. an absoulete disgrace.

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Dear god, are you for real, the latter are overwhelmingly housed in the private sector, and what?, that makes it ok, the majority will still be getting their rent paid from the public purse which in turn will affect everything not least the building of new social housing.

Four million people claim Housing Benefit at a cost of £15.6 billion annually do the maths from what you have learned today!!! :thumbs:

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What alarms me most these days is the government (this and previous) and media (especially certain newspapers) trying to set up what i would call "false division", their most obvious being, in it's simplest form, the current "work good, benefit bad" mantra, and the fact that the word "scrounger" is now accepted language, even in highest office.The Defence Minister recently suggested that if benefits were cut further, the money could be spent on re-supplying the Army ( soldiers versus scroungers ). the Health Secretary said something similar about hospitals (nurses versus scroungers). The Prime Minister himself believes that the "growth of the benefits culture" (his words,not mine) is fuelling the recession (growth versus scroungers). Smoke and mirrors !! Demonise a section of society and unfairly blame it for society's ills - benefit claimants, Muslim extremists, hoodies, anarchists. Anything .......except admit your own culpability. Divide and conquer !!

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Dear god, are you for real, the latter are overwhelmingly housed in the private sector, and what?, that makes it ok, the majority will still be getting their rent paid from the public purse which in turn will affect everything not least the building of new social housing.

Four million people claim Housing Benefit at a cost of £15.6 billion annually do the maths from what you have learned today!!! :thumbs:

32% of all housing benifit is paid to the private sector :thumbs: have a read here :whistling:http://beecholme.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/britains-real-housing-benefit-shirkers.html



Why is it that working people need

housing benefit? It's the same story: the cost of living is not in line

with income. The market has failed. Successive governments have tried to

correct this failure by moving from an emphasis on building houses that

can be rented cheaply to paying landlords directly to cover tenants'

rents. But as 32% of housing benefit claimants rent in the private

sector, this means the hard-working striving taxpayer is paying their

tax directly into the pockets of private landlords enabling them to

expand their property portfolios. Last year this cost the taxpayer

nearly £10bn.

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Its certainly working. The divide and conquer


But, there is a difference between a scrounger, and you can not denie that they certainly do exist, and some one in true need.

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My mother in law is a year short of the new pension age and sufferers from an incurable degenerative liver disorder which saps her if energy.. It ain't the only thing that's wrong with her, she's on god knows how many other tablets for various things that are keeping her alive.. We had to move her from Scotland to West Wales so we could look after here and she got a 2 bedroom council place that was only available to the over 55's and has disabled adaptions.. Because she's got a 2 bedroom place, she's going to have to find another place or stump up £15 a week out of her already tight budget to stay there.. One bedroom Council places are like gold dust, so it's going to be ages before she gets a place, because she's not a priority.. I can't see how they can apply this to specialist accommodations like hers because its not as if something like a young couple with a single kid can live there.

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