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Bedroom Tax Protest Yesterday

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God forbid any of you on your high horses fall on hard times and have to rely on state benefits...because when you do..there's gunna be a whole lot of folk just itching to kick you in the nuts .....loss of job = loss of money=loss of home = loss of just about everything...which = relying on state benefit and social housing...you lot think this is going to stay aimed just at benefit scroungers (your words not mine)..is it fcukery..the working man is next in the firing line for social cleansing..then when that comes..perhaps you'll change your blinkered views on alot of todays unfortunates..atb NMF

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God forbid any of you on your high horses fall on hard times and have to rely on state benefits...because when you do..there's gunna be a whole lot of folk just itching to kick you in the nuts .....lo

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God forbid any of you on your high horses fall on hard times and have to rely on state benefits...because when you do..there's gunna be a whole lot of folk just itching to kick you in the nuts .....loss of job = loss of money=loss of home = loss of just about everything...which = relying on state benefit and social housing...you lot think this is going to stay aimed just at benefit scroungers (your words not mine)..is it fcukery..the working man is next in the firing line for social cleansing..then when that comes..perhaps you'll change your blinkered views on alot of todays unfortunates..atb NMF

Well said! :good:
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God forbid any of you on your high horses fall on hard times and have to rely on state benefits...because when you do..there's gunna be a whole lot of folk just itching to kick you in the nuts .....loss of job = loss of money=loss of home = loss of just about everything...which = relying on state benefit and social housing...you lot think this is going to stay aimed just at benefit scroungers (your words not mine)..is it fcukery..the working man is next in the firing line for social cleansing..then when that comes..perhaps you'll change your blinkered views on alot of todays unfortunates..atb NMF


A lot of valid points mate, but the fact is for way too long too many people have abused the system.

Now I have every sympathy for genuine claimants but what are you saying, that we should let it go on unchecked in case we end up on benefits?. Can't happen, the systems fecked and was originally instigated to prevent people from literally starving, not to keep fat fcuks breeding like rats and living a better quality of life than a lot of people working. The majority of people I know on benefits have been for a long time and it suits them.

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i got paid off just before xmas,and havent claimed a cent.so couldi take this opportunity to ask for a fiver of each of you guys just to tide me through.i was gonna claim but f**k that.i dont want to be seen as a scrounger or a drain on this fair country.where everyone pays there own way.just pm me and ill send u my address lol


i will pay you all back when i get back on my feet

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no moaning agree with cant stand the sponging c--ts just think you cant be much of a tradesman if your working for the council lol

Bit of a strange statement that? I do fencing and if I could land a council contract I'd be quids in....money for old rope!!!

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no moaning agree with cant stand the sponging c--ts just think you cant be much of a tradesman if your working for the council lol

Bit of a strange statement that? I do fencing and if I could land a council contract I'd be quids in....money for old rope!!!

talking about people that works books in with the council the majority of them round about here are f--ken cowboys not them all just about 90% of them

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scum and scroungers :hmm: whats does that make all the mp`s with there second homes, food, utility bills, cheap meals and alchohol, sometimes even gardeners and moat cleaners, all paid for with your tax and that was before the illegal expenses. and then theres there actual salary. But hey ho, were all in this together :laugh: :laugh: just been on the news all couples that earn less than £150,000 a year will get up to £1200 a year to help with childcare, i must live in an alternative britian as around here that would be lucky to apply to 1% of the population as most employment here is minimum wage or just above. Thats if your lucky enough to find a job, even seasonal jobs at the local zoo have over 1600 applicants for each position advertised. The youngsters have been priced out of the housing market by rich outsiders wanting to retire to the countryside. when they do manage to gain employment and rent a place there is no alternative but to apply for a rent rebate as the rental costs are sky high and the wages so low. then when kids arrive they claim working tax credits and child tax, credits ect. So there life is infact despite working hard, a life on benifits.These are not scroungers these are our kids struggling in britian with the social problems that our generation and the one before us created. this britian was created on greed and the "im all right jack fcuk the rest mentality" normally adopted by the more afluent in society. The only way this situation can be put right is through proper pay linked to the real world not some goverment/employers quango, but this will never happen as the rich would get poorer and the poor would no longer be controlable by the rich :whistling:

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More taxes, the countries on its knees all these c**ts can think about is how to bleed us more dry. What next, back to window taxes. I can understand the housing problem but this isn't the answer.

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scum and scroungers :hmm: whats does that make all the mp`s with there second homes, food, utility bills, cheap meals and alchohol, sometimes even gardeners and moat cleaners, all paid for with your tax and that was before the illegal expenses. and then theres there actual salary. But hey ho, were all in this together :laugh: :laugh: just been on the news all couples that earn less than £150,000 a year will get up to £1200 a year to help with childcare, i must live in an alternative britian as around here that would be lucky to apply to 1% of the population as most employment here is minimum wage or just above. Thats if your lucky enough to find a job, even seasonal jobs at the local zoo have over 1600 applicants for each position advertised. The youngsters have been priced out of the housing market by rich outsiders wanting to retire to the countryside. when they do manage to gain employment and rent a place there is no alternative but to apply for a rent rebate as the rental costs are sky high and the wages so low. then when kids arrive they claim working tax credits and child tax, credits ect. So there life is infact despite working hard, a life on benifits.These are not scroungers these are our kids struggling in britian with the social problems that our generation and the one before us created. this britian was created on greed and the "im all right jack fcuk the rest mentality" normally adopted by the more afluent in society. The only way this situation can be put right is through proper pay linked to the real world not some goverment/employers quango, but this will never happen as the rich would get poorer and the poor would no longer be controlable by the rich :whistling:

+1000 :thumbs: :thumbs:

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God forbid any of you on your high horses fall on hard times and have to rely on state benefits...because when you do..there's gunna be a whole lot of folk just itching to kick you in the nuts .....loss of job = loss of money=loss of home = loss of just about everything...which = relying on state benefit and social housing...you lot think this is going to stay aimed just at benefit scroungers (your words not mine)..is it fcukery..the working man is next in the firing line for social cleansing..then when that comes..perhaps you'll change your blinkered views on alot of todays unfortunates..atb NMF

Well said! :good:


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