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Bedroom Tax Protest Yesterday

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I love how the word scum is directed at people in social housing who claim for housing benefit - as tho we are all living in carpetless, filthy houses filled with feral children whilst we sashay to an

My council house is a 'three' bedroom, but it's a double and two box rooms - literally. I have two 7yr old girls CRAMMED into one of those bedrooms. Their clothes are in my bedroom because I can't get

God forbid any of you on your high horses fall on hard times and have to rely on state benefits...because when you do..there's gunna be a whole lot of folk just itching to kick you in the nuts .....lo

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again fair points but.as long as they keep handing out billions to africa,india etc for aid and to give them a dig out.then no c**t should be moaning about housing benefit.stop giving aid to the tribes and stop squandering cash on stupid unworkabe schemes,whos only purpose is to line the pockets of more millionaires and fat cats. if they did that every british born person would be living in a big f**k off detached property and going to work every morning.but that would close the great divide of us and them,they could never contimplate such a thing.

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butch does this include disabled people that cant work or carers of disabled people ?


Which part? This is going to come across really badly but i assure you i dont mean it this way its just the lack of context.


With out wanting to sound harsh as f*ck, ANY ONE who claims a benefit of any kind is a drain on my pocket. Does this mean i dont think we as a country (or myself) should look after them? No, i 100% believe that people who need help of any kind, physical/mental disability s change of circumstances ect ect ect, should get it. Im a firm believer that some one that may not be able to work is still an asset, even if thats just something like looking after a kid when some one at work or providing emotional support or being a loving grandmother ect ect ect. BUT that doesnt mean i think every one who claims disability is unable to work, i know a good few blokes who are pretty seriously disabled but work as hard, if not harder than they did before they were injured, and i know a couple of people off work for depression, or anxiety, or a bad back, or what ever and they f**k off and play a round of golf a day living the high life.


If people can work but cant be arsed i feel no obligation to help them at all, i literally couldnt care less if some one who is bone idle starves to death. In fact if they didnt receive my money they wouldnt have the opportunity to be bone idle, they would work or die. You wouldnt keep a working terrier/hound/gundog/terrier if it didnt work, whats the difference?


Theres to many people on this planet to feed wastes of skin, whos only purpose is to thieve oxygen, and produce more wastes of skin.

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butch does this include disabled people that cant work or carers of disabled people ?

Which part? This is going to come across really badly but i assure you i dont mean it this way its just the lack of context.


With out wanting to sound harsh as f*ck, ANY ONE who claims a benefit of any kind is a drain on my pocket. Does this mean i dont think we as a country (or myself) should look after them? No, i 100% believe that people who need help of any kind, physical/mental disability s change of circumstances ect ect ect, should get it. Im a firm believer that some one that may not be able to work is still an asset, even if thats just something like looking after a kid when some one at work or providing emotional support or being a loving grandmother ect ect ect. BUT that doesnt mean i think every one who claims disability is unable to work, i know a good few blokes who are pretty seriously disabled but work as hard, if not harder than they did before they were injured, and i know a couple of people off work for depression, or anxiety, or a bad back, or what ever and they f**k off and play a round of golf a day living the high life.


If people can work but cant be arsed i feel no obligation to help them at all, i literally couldnt care less if some one who is bone idle starves to death. In fact if they didnt receive my money they wouldnt have the opportunity to be bone idle, they would work or die. You wouldnt keep a working terrier/hound/gundog/terrier if it didnt work, whats the difference?


Theres to many people on this planet to feed wastes of skin, whos only purpose is to thieve oxygen, and produce more wastes of skin.

You're deluded if you think you'd get to keep any more of your hard earned if people stopped claiming benefit.. :yes: Let's get this straight - it's the government who takes your money off you, not the people on benefit.. That above posts makes out that every single person who claims benefit is a scrounger, the Daily Mail couldn't have put it any more succinctly.. A large % of the people who claim benefits are working people who need tax credits to live with the cost of living as high as it is nowadays.. There is a huge disparity in the cost of living and the minimum wage, and its something that should be looked at.. I'm heartened to see so many people seeing through the government bullshit when they are trying to set one group of the population against another for their own political agendas to play out, but your post just goes to highlight that there are still people out there who swallow it hook line and sinker.. :yes:
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butch does this include disabled people that cant work or carers of disabled people ?

Which part? This is going to come across really badly but i assure you i dont mean it this way its just the lack of context.


With out wanting to sound harsh as f*ck, ANY ONE who claims a benefit of any kind is a drain on my pocket. Does this mean i dont think we as a country (or myself) should look after them? No, i 100% believe that people who need help of any kind, physical/mental disability s change of circumstances ect ect ect, should get it. Im a firm believer that some one that may not be able to work is still an asset, even if thats just something like looking after a kid when some one at work or providing emotional support or being a loving grandmother ect ect ect. BUT that doesnt mean i think every one who claims disability is unable to work, i know a good few blokes who are pretty seriously disabled but work as hard, if not harder than they did before they were injured, and i know a couple of people off work for depression, or anxiety, or a bad back, or what ever and they f**k off and play a round of golf a day living the high life.


If people can work but cant be arsed i feel no obligation to help them at all, i literally couldnt care less if some one who is bone idle starves to death. In fact if they didnt receive my money they wouldnt have the opportunity to be bone idle, they would work or die. You wouldnt keep a working terrier/hound/gundog/terrier if it didnt work, whats the difference?


Theres to many people on this planet to feed wastes of skin, whos only purpose is to thieve oxygen, and produce more wastes of skin.

You're deluded if you think you'd get to keep any more of your hard earned if people stopped claiming benefit.. :yes: Let's get this straight - it's the government who takes your money off you, not the people on benefit.. That above posts makes out that every single person who claims benefit is a scrounger, the Daily Mail couldn't have put it any more succinctly.. A large % of the people who claim benefits are working people who need tax credits to live with the cost of living as high as it is nowadays.. There is a huge disparity in the cost of living and the minimum wage, and its something that should be looked at.. I'm heartened to see so many people seeing through the government bullshit when they are trying to set one group of the population against another for their own political agendas to play out, but your post just goes to highlight that there are still people out there who swallow it hook line and sinker.. :yes:

channel 4 now pensioners rich and on benifits, over half the total benifit budget is paid out to pensioners regardless of wether they need it or not, even peter stringfellow gets the winter fuel payment. as i keep saying 2/3rds of the remaining budget is spent on working benifits yet all the cuts are squarely aimed at the 1/6th of budget thats paid to the unemployed, sick and disabled. divide and conquer and make sure people dont suss out the truth :thumbs:


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stinks to high heaven, won't change a damn thing either, the people that make a career from having children will just fill their council houses to the rafters with sprogs, druggies will still be druggies and just get their mates to move in officially, the people that it affects will eventually have to move to smaller homes but will still claim, the houses that become free will just get filled with more claimants, the g'vmnt have just shot themselves in the foot, this is nothing short of victimisation, it might be a few months down the road but let's see how many cases are brought before the european court of human rights because of this.

Edited by GRAM71
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Butch for prime minister!!


Dont know if i should be offended or not hahaha!






butch does this include disabled people that cant work or carers of disabled people ?

Which part? This is going to come across really badly but i assure you i dont mean it this way its just the lack of context.


With out wanting to sound harsh as f*ck, ANY ONE who claims a benefit of any kind is a drain on my pocket. Does this mean i dont think we as a country (or myself) should look after them? No, i 100% believe that people who need help of any kind, physical/mental disability s change of circumstances ect ect ect, should get it. Im a firm believer that some one that may not be able to work is still an asset, even if thats just something like looking after a kid when some one at work or providing emotional support or being a loving grandmother ect ect ect. BUT that doesnt mean i think every one who claims disability is unable to work, i know a good few blokes who are pretty seriously disabled but work as hard, if not harder than they did before they were injured, and i know a couple of people off work for depression, or anxiety, or a bad back, or what ever and they f**k off and play a round of golf a day living the high life.


If people can work but cant be arsed i feel no obligation to help them at all, i literally couldnt care less if some one who is bone idle starves to death. In fact if they didnt receive my money they wouldnt have the opportunity to be bone idle, they would work or die. You wouldnt keep a working terrier/hound/gundog/terrier if it didnt work, whats the difference?


Theres to many people on this planet to feed wastes of skin, whos only purpose is to thieve oxygen, and produce more wastes of skin.

You're deluded if you think you'd get to keep any more of your hard earned if people stopped claiming benefit.. :yes: Let's get this straight - it's the government who takes your money off you, not the people on benefit.. That above posts makes out that every single person who claims benefit is a scrounger, the Daily Mail couldn't have put it any more succinctly.. A large % of the people who claim benefits are working people who need tax credits to live with the cost of living as high as it is nowadays.. There is a huge disparity in the cost of living and the minimum wage, and its something that should be looked at.. I'm heartened to see so many people seeing through the government bullshit when they are trying to set one group of the population against another for their own political agendas to play out, but your post just goes to highlight that there are still people out there who swallow it hook line and sinker.. :yes:


Ive probably not explained myself properly realy, my mum and grandma both claim there state pension, + other benifits they are entitled (winter fuel and what not). I mean i wouldnt have a problem with that would i but i dont have a problem with people who have worked claiming back in a time of need, old age ect. I guess i would draw the line at some one thinking they were owed more than theyve put in.


Infaqct i guess its the fact that people think there owed anything at all. No one is owed aything in life. People should count them selves lucky they dont live in some shithole around the world were even something like getting clean water is a hazard of daily life.

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