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Bedroom Tax Protest Yesterday

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I love how the word scum is directed at people in social housing who claim for housing benefit - as tho we are all living in carpetless, filthy houses filled with feral children whilst we sashay to an

My council house is a 'three' bedroom, but it's a double and two box rooms - literally. I have two 7yr old girls CRAMMED into one of those bedrooms. Their clothes are in my bedroom because I can't get

God forbid any of you on your high horses fall on hard times and have to rely on state benefits...because when you do..there's gunna be a whole lot of folk just itching to kick you in the nuts .....lo

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  On 18/03/2013 at 14:08, 04fox8 said:

no great big breaking news there.people will always abuse the system,still does not justify what they are doing.if you honesty think this has been done to save money or to be more fair,then you are clearly misguided my friend.

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My council house is a 'three' bedroom, but it's a double and two box rooms - literally. I have two 7yr old girls CRAMMED into one of those bedrooms. Their clothes are in my bedroom because I can't get anything into theirs to put their stuff in. I have been looking for a bigger 3 bed or even a 4 bed up until the announcement of the bedroom tax. The girls no longer look forward to having their own privacy, since we can't have a 4 bed. And 3 beds are as common as unicorn horns now everybody is in a scramble to move. So they will have to suck it up but my heart breaks for them. They have to turn sideways to walk past each other in that bedroom.


I do teach them, however, that we make due with what we've got and be grateful we don't live in a cardboard box on the street. I don't swan around laughing that I get housing benefit for nowt. I've busted my ass to raise three kids on my own, to teach them respect and the value of working for things they want (offer a 7yr old a shiny pound coin in return for running the hoover and their face lights up like a Christmas tree :laugh:). I keep a tidy and not-at-all flash house, I carefully live within my meager means. I know a LOT of people in the same boat as myself. It gets harder and harder to be proud of who you are if you're looking for work or not making much money and need help because of the rising cost of living and never ending taxes, when everyone, including the Prime Minister, uses words like scrounger. Burns my buns all this council house/benefits scum blah blah that goes on these days.


My mother raised me to believe that class is about how you conduct yourself, not about your privilege or bank account. Wish more people thought the same way.

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in the last place we lived there was a p.ss head never worked as far as i can tell in the last 15years he was in a two bed house all paid for ,then over the road a young married couple with a baby he worked so had to pay rent they ended up in arrears talking to him one day like he said whats the point working to pay the rent because they told him he could be waiting for years for a bigger place . it will be a shame to make folk not be able to live in houses that they have been in all there lives cant see how it will ever be fair

is there any help with moving costs or are they getting shafted on that aswell ?

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i cant see them paying them to move.like ,malt said there is no one bedroomed property. serioulsy they should all say f**k it,ok i cant afford it.ill need to move to a smaller property.that would f**k them up.cause they would need to move them into private property and a f***ing greater cost than the ten to fifteen quid they are squeezing out of the people who can least afford it.

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  On 18/03/2013 at 14:21, lurchergrrl said:

My council house is a 'three' bedroom, but it's a double and two box rooms - literally. I have two 7yr old girls CRAMMED into one of those bedrooms. Their clothes are in my bedroom because I can't get anything into theirs to put their stuff in. I have been looking for a bigger 3 bed or even a 4 bed up until the announcement of the bedroom tax. The girls no longer look forward to having their own privacy, since we can't have a 4 bed. And 3 beds are as common as unicorn horns now everybody is in a scramble to move. So they will have to suck it up but my heart breaks for them. They have to turn sideways to walk past each other in that bedroom.


I do teach them, however, that we make due with what we've got and be grateful we don't live in a cardboard box on the street. I don't swan around laughing that I get housing benefit for nowt. I've busted my ass to raise three kids on my own, to teach them respect and the value of working for things they want (offer a 7yr old a shiny pound coin in return for running the hoover and their face lights up like a Christmas tree :laugh:). I keep a tidy and not-at-all flash house, I carefully live within my meager means. I know a LOT of people in the same boat as myself. It gets harder and harder to be proud of who you are if you're looking for work or not making much money and need help because of the rising cost of living and never ending taxes, when everyone, including the Prime Minister, uses words like scrounger. Burns my buns all this council house/benefits scum blah blah that goes on these days.


My mother raised me to believe that class is about how you conduct yourself, not about your privilege or bank account. Wish more people thought the same way.


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  On 18/03/2013 at 15:13, Blackbriar said:


  On 18/03/2013 at 14:21, lurchergrrl said:

My council house is a 'three' bedroom, but it's a double and two box rooms - literally. I have two 7yr old girls CRAMMED into one of those bedrooms. Their clothes are in my bedroom because I can't get anything into theirs to put their stuff in. I have been looking for a bigger 3 bed or even a 4 bed up until the announcement of the bedroom tax. The girls no longer look forward to having their own privacy, since we can't have a 4 bed. And 3 beds are as common as unicorn horns now everybody is in a scramble to move. So they will have to suck it up but my heart breaks for them. They have to turn sideways to walk past each other in that bedroom.


I do teach them, however, that we make due with what we've got and be grateful we don't live in a cardboard box on the street. I don't swan around laughing that I get housing benefit for nowt. I've busted my ass to raise three kids on my own, to teach them respect and the value of working for things they want (offer a 7yr old a shiny pound coin in return for running the hoover and their face lights up like a Christmas tree :laugh:). I keep a tidy and not-at-all flash house, I carefully live within my meager means. I know a LOT of people in the same boat as myself. It gets harder and harder to be proud of who you are if you're looking for work or not making much money and need help because of the rising cost of living and never ending taxes, when everyone, including the Prime Minister, uses words like scrounger. Burns my buns all this council house/benefits scum blah blah that goes on these days.


My mother raised me to believe that class is about how you conduct yourself, not about your privilege or bank account. Wish more people thought the same way.


+1 :toast:

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its just another slap in the face to the nation."hey we need our second homes payed for by the tax payer,and also we need a monthy food allowance and all other expenses we can think of,but as for you c**ts. your in council/social housing if you have a spare room we want to cut your benefit.LOL its tragic how we the british people just accept every bit of unfair shit thrown at us. we were once a great nation with a reputation for fairness and backing the underdog.lot of good it did us eh.we would have been better off being a load of selfish c**ts and telling the goverment to go f**k themselfs.

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Playing devils advocate here.


How are people on benifits (of any kind) not a drain on society/the country?

Why is it ok for people to live in subsidised housing all there life?

Why do working people have to pay for some one to live in a subsidised house who drinks loads, smokes loads, gambles loads ect ect (not mentioning pay for all the health problems that brings along with it)?

Why do people feel they are entitled to what, in alot of cases, count as extravagances?

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Not everyone on benefits is a scrounger, but a helluva lot are, we all know them, over the years I've watched people who have never worked and have no intention of, literally from the cradle to the grave at the expense of the taxpayer. Something has to give we can't carry on the way it's going. This British mentality, I'm entitled and I want everything the next guys got is part of the reason this countrys buggered. I grew up in a three bedroomed house with my parents and three brothers and never thought for a moment we were hard done by, now we have people wanting a room for each kid to give them space and privacy, some folks need to give their bloody head a shake. Before anyone jumps on the defensive that's directed at people in general and no one in particular.

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