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Lacs To Use Drones To Spy On Hunters And Shooters.

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I was working at a empty house in the week and a guy showed me a pic of his latest toy and that was just like the pic on here . He reckons it cost him a grand , he said it's got a camera on it as well . I thought at the time why the feck would you want a camera on it . Apparently they are seriously quick , not bad for A carpet layer. I will find out want he plans to do with it now I have seen this thread :thumbs:

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Simple, mistake one for a pheasant and give it both barrels, or give the police a call and say they're taking pictures of young children and they better get here because they are peadophiles and you will take action if they don't......the police will soon come running :thumbs:

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Quadcopters are serious money, they won't want to be risking losing one of those.

Thing with those model helis, no matter how much time you put into it, no matter how much your gear costs, you're always against nature, thermals, wind etc, I put 2 years and a lot of money into learning to fly model helis, and still had days where everything went wrong and it came crashing down, and they will do major damage when they come down.




Just an example of the sort of quality and what you can see with them:

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