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Why Start Squarking

killer catch

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If just had my 1st season with my fmh, I've had a few bunnies with her and it's been going realy well. Up to this point the bird has been 100% silent but since I've put her up for moult she squarks fairly regular. Why would this be and is there anything I can do to prevent it. Thanks

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have you let her see you giving her food. if she has she will squark and theres not much you can do about it now. what i do is lock mine in his mews put the food outside then unlock him when he cant see me to eat his food or when i get home late i put his food in when its dark and he will find it in the morning so you could try that. or depending on your weathering design if you cant prevent the bird from seeing you, you could try and hood your bird without stressing her out and place the food down before taking the hood off and leaving her to eat the food in peace, never done this myself so dont know how good it will work

atb kyle

Edited by youcanthide...BANG
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i have a fhh was doing same thing, would squawk when she heard you around the mews or seen anyone. i fitted a shut which was a 5 inch bend pipe the type you get in builders yard. i would go in and out a few times a day and she would sqauwk waiting for food but would get none only through the shute. 2 weeks she stopped associating me with her meal and stop sqauwking for food. dont know your mews design but may help you out.

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