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Dogs Killed By Farmer

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I know a farmer who broke the back of a neighbouring farmers cow with an iron bar after it strayed onto his property.

What folk are forgetting is that not all farmers are right in the head and everyone is also assuming this farmer has sheep! Maybe he doesnt! Whats the big conspiracy then?

You can sing that :yes: .

Theres a farmer by me,Hes next door neighbours pet spaniel got out ran in to the farmers yard,Farmer shot it He has no sheep.

Any farmer that shoots a dog with out a proper reason deserves what ever they get as far as im concerened.

What if a 60+ farmer shot your dog for no reason your hardly going to knock on hes door and beat the shit out of him are you?But you probally would want to have your revenge.

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Shouldn't the bird been in control of he dogs to start with?

The story is half baked and in the Daily Wail, so for starters I would take their 'facts' with half a hundredweight of salt.   The dogs were handed over on a 'leash' where did the leash come from? W

I would kill every fukcing animal on his farm ...... An eye for an eye ...........

Maybe if she'd taught her dogs recall she'd still have them.

I'm a country person she states, perhaps if she was it could have been averted also.

I apologise in advance for judging from a picture, but those three dogs have got potential sheep worrier glaring out them.

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Make I laugh all this I'll burn ya barn down or kill you stock that to me is the sign of a true coward snivelling around in the dark exacting some childish revenge as my granda always said either front up or f**k off

:notworthy: exactly mate. Dogs been worrying sheep, farmers been shooting dogs since time began. It happens. I know guys who have dished out punishment to a farmer not for shooting there dog but for catching them poaching and grassing them up. Big brave guys that need Dutch courage thinking its a laff to do stuff back. If the farmer ever caught them, they'd be silage :yes:


Aye its funny aint it how these big hard blokes aint the balls to chap on the farmers/keepers door and have a word, threads like this really show the true character of some of the people on here.

there was a new keeper up this way shot a boy dog guy went to his door keeper locked his self in his basement wouldnt come out moved back to wales the next day minus all his dogs so some will and some wont :yes:

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Make I laugh all this I'll burn ya barn down or kill you stock that to me is the sign of a true coward snivelling around in the dark exacting some childish revenge as my granda always said either front up or f**k off

Where did I say I would creep about in the dark I would quite happily walk into his field in the middle of the day and do what to his animals what he had done to mine ...........

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Make I laugh all this I'll burn ya barn down or kill you stock that to me is the sign of a true coward snivelling around in the dark exacting some childish revenge as my granda always said either front up or f**k off

:notworthy: exactly mate. Dogs been worrying sheep, farmers been shooting dogs since time began. It happens. I know guys who have dished out punishment to a farmer not for shooting there dog but for catching them poaching and grassing them up. Big brave guys that need Dutch courage thinking its a laff to do stuff back. If the farmer ever caught them, they'd be silage :yes:

Aye its funny aint it how these big hard blokes aint the balls to chap on the farmers/keepers door and have a word, threads like this really show the true character of some of the people on here.

there was a new keeper up this way shot a boy dog guy went to his door keeper locked his self in his basement wouldnt come out moved back to wales the next day minus all his dogs so some will and some wont :yes:

I was told of a travveling boy out with his dog. Farmer caught him shot the dog and battered the boy. The lads father went to see the farmer and the farmer shot the boys dad dead. Claimed self -defence and got away with it.

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Guest thebigdog


Make I laugh all this I'll burn ya barn down or kill you stock that to me is the sign of a true coward snivelling around in the dark exacting some childish revenge as my granda always said either front up or f**k off

Where did I say I would creep about in the dark I would quite happily walk into his field in the middle of the day and do what to his animals what he had done to mine ...........



behave yourself, you needed your mrs to go get your money back from a kitchen fitter. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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if your dogs in the wrong well it deserves to get shot but if its not its another matter


Correct, she's got two dogs that feck off and guess what?, she's got a third, three dogs taken into the countryside with no recall, call me cynical but if she didn't bother her arse to teach that then I'm guessing she skipped the stock breaking as well.

Read the heading, dogs killed after they escape, how the feck can your dog escape?, substitute that with pair of unruly bstards do a bunk out of pickup cos girl that owns thems a divvy.

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Make I laugh all this I'll burn ya barn down or kill you stock that to me is the sign of a true coward snivelling around in the dark exacting some childish revenge as my granda always said either front up or f**k off

Where did I say I would creep about in the dark I would quite happily walk into his field in the middle of the day and do what to his animals what he had done to mine ...........

Didnt aim it at anyone inparticular but since you replied I can only guess you felt ashamed of your post

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Make I laugh all this I'll burn ya barn down or kill you stock that to me is the sign of a true coward snivelling around in the dark exacting some childish revenge as my granda always said either front up or f**k off


Where did I say I would creep about in the dark I would quite happily walk into his field in the middle of the day and do what to his animals what he had done to mine ...........


behave yourself, you needed your mrs to go get your money back from a kitchen fitter. :laugh::laugh::laugh:



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Why the feck have the dogs bodies been seized by the rspca.


Maybe they wanted to compare bolt ammo - the RSPCA favour them as a method of putting animals down, but they're not right good at it and often miss the first time.


If dogs are considered 'property' then this boils to down theft and criminal damage. That should be investigated by the police, not the shower of b@stards at the RSPCA.

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the way i see it is if the dogs have been worrying his stock and he's caught them in the act then he's done them in then fair play

but if they've been handed to him and he's done them in then thats wrong

even if he had proof, he could of made them pay up for damages to his stock


i've been on places where weve been shot at with the 12 bore and bullet rifle

a pal of mine had his dog shot while it was stood next to him

and the farmer went to shoot his pup so he picked it up and carried it

the farmer said if he puts it down its dead

he even put the gun to my mates head

shook him up quite bad and this lads not a mard arse

there was no stock on this farm what so ever

just hated dog men


some farmers think there above the law and are bad bas****s

i've had to tell one or two be carefull who your threatening cos i play with matches

rightly or wrongly i'd get my own back and sometimes i dont fight fair

but there's obviously more to this story

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