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Never Made The Seat..

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Had a look over my little farm yesterday evening but it was only the doe's that put in an appearance so i left them to it .I noticed this morning they were hedge cutting by the road and the field hedge by the back of my wood.I reconed any deer in there would tend to push up towards the top end of the wood & feed in the small paddock or out the other side on the clover.


Trying to get back early from a job it was one of them days were everything seemed to take just that little bit longer,but by 3.45 i was on route home ,i'd tried a couple of mates earlier to see if i could get another bum in a seat ,it handy to cover a few options ,but no one was free.Not a problem i was pulling up my track at 4.30 unload the van,changeing ,getting kit ,load the quad ,rifle ,dog ,two phone calls ,why does the bloody phone allways ring when your trying to get out,i was pulling out the track ten to five,bit late but its only 5min down the road.By 5pm i was making my way to the seat in the paddock,i actually fancied the clover field but its a lot furthert down and you cant chance just walking straight to it so it was the paddock .


As i got near, i glassed the field ,no deer ,as i got closer & could see more of the field,to my right i got some movment,the field is fairly flat for 70m or so then drops away slightly before riseing again at 150m ,the deer were allready out and in the dip.There was no chance of getting to the seat . In the corner of the field 30 m away from me is a mast, chain link fenced it could help me get into the field unseen.Flat as my belly allows i crept foward until i got to the end of the fence,expecting at any time to see the deer coming out of the hollow,but nothing,i was sure i had'nt spooked them ,wind was right i started to raise my head ,nothing gradually i got to sit up leaning against the chain link,bipod open i waited.I could see the antler of the buck , then the backs of several does.The buck was'nt moving the doe's were,they were in full view had i been shooting doe's it would have been game over.The buck then started to move as i readied myself for the shot he laid down, quite content to catch the final rays of the day ,as if that was a signal the rest of them laid down .All i can see is the antler & about an inch of skull above the grass ,not my shot.40 min later,arse soaking wet & cold,legs numb with pins & needles(it must be an age thing)& the little stones i was sitting on had grown & got sharp ,i needed to move .As i,m thinking do i make a bit of noise get them on there feet & chance i get a clear shot before they move a pricket trots out get over near the buck& promptly laid down as well .


His mistake was being slightly higher than the other buck head up & clear with good backstop.Two tiny spikes & good body weight.The next time he moved it was with my help onto the quad.gralloched ,checked he's in the coldroom at 87lb .Be good to catch up with the older buck it had a poor head ,more like a sika all spikes & no palmation ......

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Hi Andrew its just my personal preferance,I'm not keen on shooting heavely pregnant doe's.Thats why i go hard at them from december through to the end of feb.I understand if people need to shoot through march its just not for me.

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Hi Andrew its just my personal preferance,I'm not keen on shooting heavely pregnant doe's.Thats why i go hard at them from december through to the end of feb.I understand if people need to shoot through march its just not for me.

Ah thanks for explaining that - makes sense.

I have just signed up to do a DSC1 with Jelen Deer - My regular jaunt to dumfriesshire was scuppered for now, so i decided to use the money to get qualified. I just noticed a question on their interactive online question bank that reminded me of something you said while describing a high point of land on your permission - the fallow bucks like to make a stand, and the does come from all around. There was a question relating to that and I recalled what you said :) Thanks again for your wisdom


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