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Glass Lined?

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I think what you mean is glass bedded, it is to ensure a good fit and eliminate any movement between action and stock. As for how easy it is, well that depends on how good at diy you are, it`s not super hard but you need to be competent. look it up on you tube there is loads of vids on there showing it being done.

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What they mean is glass bedded,it does not of course refer to glass,but to fiberglass,which is the old materiel stocks used to be bedded with,now there are much better compounds,like acraglass,and devcon,the reason for doing this is to provide an absolutely solid platform for the rifle action to sit on,and ensure there is no movement when the rifle is fired during the recoil cycle,done properly it can transform an ordinery rifle into a tackdriver.

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What they mean is glass bedded,it does not of course refer to glass,but to fiberglass,which is the old materiel stocks used to be bedded with,now there are much better compounds,like acraglass,and devcon,the reason for doing this is to provide an absolutely solid platform for the rifle action to sit on,and ensure there is no movement when the rifle is fired during the recoil cycle,done properly it can transform an ordinery rifle into a tackdriver.

It wasn't even fibre glass, it didn't have the glass fibres in it and it was little better than body filler, but agreed, the newer purpose supplied stuff is much better.


I did a 223 a few months back, 1st 1 I'd felt the need to do.


The videos are good but I can't over emphasise the need to absolutely ensure every thing you don't want gooooed up is fully coated with release agent or similar, especially blued actions.


I used a thick silicone oil that I have for other purposes.


You didn't ask if it works or is worth doing or not?

Others will be better fixed than me to elaborate, I had a gun with a reputation to benefit from the treatment so did it before I shot it.

Edited by cyclonebri1
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