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D Brian Plummer

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since when did everyone believe everything written in print. from the bible to any autobiography if you had any sense will take it with a pinch of salt.

they are authors and there job is to entertain and write stories.for peoples enjoyment.

agreed,my book will not read well,went out all night missed 4 rabbits ,i fell over,crushed me back wheels on a fence ,went home totally pissed off

did you just write that to make it more entertaining or was the night worse than that...?

worse i did nt even have a lurcher with me :laugh:


even worse was you did nt even have your heath robinson baler twine sliplead....?And your lamp battery wasn t fully charged.

Edited by higgins
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Well,22 pages on a man that no-one seems to have a good word for other than enjoying his early books,I met Plummer on many occassions at a mates farm and he was always odd,to say the least,he suffered

His books were the only ones of their kind in the seventies and eighties, and I must have owned and read them all. They were entertaining and to an impressionable teenager the 'facts' were often dige

John h.....who the feck are you?? There's a good number of men on hear that hunt....take a long hard look through all the sections on the site....there's some great advice and tips all the way through

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since when did everyone believe everything written in print. from the bible to any autobiography if you had any sense will take it with a pinch of salt.

they are authors and there job is to entertain and write stories.for peoples enjoyment.

agreed,my book will not read well,went out all night missed 4 rabbits ,i fell over,crushed me back wheels on a fence ,went home totally pissed off

did you just write that to make it more entertaining or was the night worse than that...?

worse i did nt even have a lurcher with me :laugh:


even worse was you did nt even have your heath robinson baler twine sliplead....?And your lamp battery wasn t fully charged.

lol,no dog no slip lead,i dont own a lamp i was actually in front of the wood burner writing another load of horse shite :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Well,22 pages on a man that no-one seems to have a good word for other than enjoying his early books,I met Plummer on many occassions at a mates farm and he was always odd,to say the least,he suffered a lot from mental health issues and found solace in writing about other peoples exploits as a form of escapism from it,the big knowledgable ego in my dealings with him was a front to impress new comers to the game like "John H".I suppose he enjoyed impressing lads with little or no knowledge of different forms of hunting and his genetic knowledge of different breeds was second to none,he surrounded himself with young kids and the likes of "John H" hung off his every word looking upon him as some sort of "GURU"

I have to agree about the poor kennel management but that was the responsibility of the young kids that adored him,this was their payment for allowing them to be about,the one thing that sticks out for me was that Brian would give you his last shilling,he may of been many things but he was generous,he gave me 2 bitches in the late 70's before they were called "Plummers" and just asked me to test them.

I also met "Hancock" through him as the 2 conspired to concoct fairy stories of "Merles" prowess with foxes and other vermin so as to create a business for the Hancocks to make a few bob,Mr Hancock was a nice pleasant man but never spoke well of Brians exagerations,in fact he was somewhat embarrassed by it at times,he used to say if Brian said he caught 300 rats on his famous "thursday nights excursion" then just knock a zero off and that would be more accurate.

Well John if you never met him untill he went north and he had his white alsations then you were a latecomer to the party mate,the rabbits gave themselves up easilly and could make any dog appear proficient,there are many decent hunting lads on this website if you had only taken some time to read a few threads before trying to be the big man,WM

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Well,22 pages on a man that no-one seems to have a good word for other than enjoying his early books,I met Plummer on many occassions at a mates farm and he was always odd,to say the least,he suffered a lot from mental health issues and found solace in writing about other peoples exploits as a form of escapism from it,the big knowledgable ego in my dealings with him was a front to impress new comers to the game like "John H".I suppose he enjoyed impressing lads with little or no knowledge of different forms of hunting and his genetic knowledge of different breeds was second to none,he surrounded himself with young kids and the likes of "John H" hung off his every word looking upon him as some sort of "GURU"

I have to agree about the poor kennel management but that was the responsibility of the young kids that adored him,this was their payment for allowing them to be about,the one thing that sticks out for me was that Brian would give you his last shilling,he may of been many things but he was generous,he gave me 2 bitches in the late 70's before they were called "Plummers" and just asked me to test them.

I also met "Hancock" through him as the 2 conspired to concoct fairy stories of "Merles" prowess with foxes and other vermin so as to create a business for the Hancocks to make a few bob,Mr Hancock was a nice pleasant man but never spoke well of Brians exagerations,in fact he was somewhat embarrassed by it at times,he used to say if Brian said he caught 300 rats on his famous "thursday nights excursion" then just knock a zero off and that would be more accurate.

Well John if you never met him untill he went north and he had his white alsations then you were a latecomer to the party mate,the rabbits gave themselves up easilly and could make any dog appear proficient,there are many decent hunting lads on this website if you had only taken some time to read a few threads before trying to be the big man,WM

lock stock and f...g barrell

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Well,22 pages on a man that no-one seems to have a good word for other than enjoying his early books,I met Plummer on many occassions at a mates farm and he was always odd,to say the least,he suffered a lot from mental health issues and found solace in writing about other peoples exploits as a form of escapism from it,the big knowledgable ego in my dealings with him was a front to impress new comers to the game like "John H".I suppose he enjoyed impressing lads with little or no knowledge of different forms of hunting and his genetic knowledge of different breeds was second to none,he surrounded himself with young kids and the likes of "John H" hung off his every word looking upon him as some sort of "GURU"

I have to agree about the poor kennel management but that was the responsibility of the young kids that adored him,this was their payment for allowing them to be about,the one thing that sticks out for me was that Brian would give you his last shilling,he may of been many things but he was generous,he gave me 2 bitches in the late 70's before they were called "Plummers" and just asked me to test them.

I also met "Hancock" through him as the 2 conspired to concoct fairy stories of "Merles" prowess with foxes and other vermin so as to create a business for the Hancocks to make a few bob,Mr Hancock was a nice pleasant man but never spoke well of Brians exagerations,in fact he was somewhat embarrassed by it at times,he used to say if Brian said he caught 300 rats on his famous "thursday nights excursion" then just knock a zero off and that would be more accurate.

Well John if you never met him untill he went north and he had his white alsations then you were a latecomer to the party mate,the rabbits gave themselves up easilly and could make any dog appear proficient,there are many decent hunting lads on this website if you had only taken some time to read a few threads before trying to be the big man,WM

Best post on the whole thread... :thumbs:

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As said in previous posts, I knew Brian well, as well as any man on here, he had his faults, which I won't go into.

Suffice to say, there where three types of people in the Plummer world, there were the middle of the road folk like myself who enjoyed his company, told him if he was talking pish and I think, no, I know we were better friends for it. Next, you have the haters and whilst there may be people who have genuine cause to there are far more who did and do so because it was deemed necessary to make you acceptable in others eyes. However to my mind the worst and possibly the main reason there were so many haters were the sycophantic brainwashed fools who hung on every word he said and believed it. I visited him two/three times a week when he lived at Abington and on many occasions I couldn't get through the door into his house for the same said fools being spun a yarn. I knew, he knew I knew, that was the difference.

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