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Sas's Danny Nightingale

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Hats off to the judge who overturned his conviction...


Here's hoping he gets a result in his retrial.

it should never have been allowed to happen in the first place, he didnt even swop speeding points or anything :laugh:

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A nice thank you for years of service to your country...even if he did bring it back surely someone could have given him a bolloc.king & showed some common sense instead of dragging the man through all this shite.Must do wonders for morale when your ducking bullets & i.e.d's to know theres some halfwit back home ready to drop on you like ten ton of eagle shite first chance they get.

This man deserves better from his country......................................................................Would it help his case if he changed religion...just a thought.

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good look to the man when hes next up in court...

why hes there in the first al never no

the mind boggles. :victory:

He was there in the first place because common sense did not prevail and some prick seen him as an easy target : " oh look let's f**k over a war hero who is protecting us from terrorist scum. We can then say look we don't discriminate but we won't go after certain members of the community who publicly state that Soldiers are murderers and death to them etc etc."


Ball-less fookin wonders


Rant over


(Common sense = sense that isn't very common) Ironic isn't it.

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He had an illegally held handgun and various calibres of unlicensed ammunition.


If it had been me, I would have got f****d,, but it wasn`t it was a bloke trained to kill as many as poss with as little available as poss,, just the type to trust with unlicensed handguns !.


Not saying the bloke isn`t a hero,, but why the different treatment for him.?

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He had an illegally held handgun and various calibres of unlicensed ammunition.


If it had been me, I would have got f****d,, but it wasn`t it was a bloke trained to kill as many as poss with as little available as poss,, just the type to trust with unlicensed handguns !.


Not saying the bloke isn`t a hero,, but why the different treatment for him.?

because he`s earnt the right, gizzits are the spoils of war always have been since wars began :thumbs:

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IMO If he could be trusted with all manner of weapons doing all sorts of dirty "deniable" missions for this country, he can certainly be trusted with a trophy.



Yup cause not many ex squaddies turn to armed robbery ! :whistling::D

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IMO If he could be trusted with all manner of weapons doing all sorts of dirty "deniable" missions for this country, he can certainly be trusted with a trophy.



Yup cause not many ex squaddies turn to armed robbery ! :whistling::D


The chap wasn't just an ex squaddie though was he? He was 22 regt. tasked with training Iraqi forces and commended for it with a gift from them.................


Now I accept that he should not have had an illegally held firearm and ammunition in his private posession but IF what he has said is true (which is up to the relavent authorities to decide) then I think the fact that his profession is what it is makes the entire situation perfectly understandable.

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He had an illegally held handgun and various calibres of unlicensed ammunition.


If it had been me, I would have got f****d,, but it wasn`t it was a bloke trained to kill as many as poss with as little available as poss,, just the type to trust with unlicensed handguns !.


Not saying the bloke isn`t a hero,, but why the different treatment for him.?

because he`s earnt the right, gizzits are the spoils of war always have been since wars began :thumbs:

Still be classed as illegal would it?

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He had an illegally held handgun and various calibres of unlicensed ammunition.


If it had been me, I would have got f****d,, but it wasn`t it was a bloke trained to kill as many as poss with as little available as poss,, just the type to trust with unlicensed handguns !.


Not saying the bloke isn`t a hero,, but why the different treatment for him.?

There are 13 year old kids zooming around with them these days, we should all have one!

I'd rather he had it than some kid, I know that wasn't the question but just saying like lol.

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