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What Scope.

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Hi, am new here so please be gentle !


I am looking for either a scope, or a setup for ratting at night, we keep the little blighters down on a poultry farm, but they have grown wise to our antics and its getting increasingly harder to find them in any amount of light to see.


I have been toying with a night vision scope, or an adapter that fits onto a day scope, but to be honest the price tag worries me !


Previously we have used infra red lamps on top of the scope with some varying results, so would consider that route again.


No doubt you will want to know, but we use an r10 and a hw80, with a superten as a spare.

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Have u thought about attaching a sony handycam with nightshot to your scope then using a ir laser ?? Works great

How does that work, I have never heard of doing such a thing, is it a bit like a DIY night vision ?

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Yeh its like diy mate ,, alot of the sony handycams have a thing called nightshot which allows u to record at night , however u can only see about 5 yards with the cam on its own ,,, but if u get an ir laser or torch then u will be able to see much much further and it will be great for night hunting :) ,, you can get step up rings to attach the cam to the scope :)

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Thanks, I have been reading up on here, apologies as I only just noticed there is a dedicated section for night vision, very interesting reading, perhaps my original post should have gone in there.


Thank you for the replies, I best get doing some more homework.


I read one post, a guy built a setup for under £100 and reckons vision is upto 40 mts. Not bad.


Not convinced I would get on with looking at a screen on top of the scope rather than through the scope, but that's just old habits dying hard I think.


Does anyone know of a night scope, that just fits onto the rear of a day scope, and it hinges out the way for daytime use, I seem to remember someone telling me about one.

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