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Which Pellet For My Hw35 ?

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Hi all :)

I was just wondering what pellets you guys can recommened for my .22 1977 HW35.

I've decided to shake off the dust, and take the rifle out of the cabinet for some zeroing at the weekend, and will probably get some different pellets to try. I have heard that RWS Superdomes are very good, Any opinions?

The only pellets i have at present in .22 are , Bisley Superfield and Bisley Practice, and from memory, i cant remember these pellets being that accurate in the HW35.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated,

John :confused:

Edited by mjr88
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I use eley wasps in my HW 35 the ones in the blue tin 5.6 rather than the purple 5.5 even though it has 5.5 cal stamped on the barrel, tried the 5.5's but just didn't get the power or accuacy. I have tried various more expensive pellets over the years but allways gone back to the 5.6 eley's.


My 35 is a similar age bought in 1980 and had a lot of tins through it over the years never had any issue with accuracy using the eley's although a lot will knock them as cheap rubbish. I guess it comes down to whatever suits your rifle, if they work why change!


Happy plinking.

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