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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Chalks! She mentioned the unsayable name, mate! :icon_eek: Horror of Horrors! Now 'They' may be led to draw conclusions about ye own identity and that of the bloke ye keep flashing shots of ~ minutes before editing the f*ckin lot out again :laugh:


Never mind. Ye 'secret' 's safe with me. As is the one about ye passions for Shiraz and curries :D


I'm sat here cracking up completely, writing this shit! :haha:


Have a crate full and a plate full, mate! I'd have sent ye a Threshers voucher, if I'd have realised. And I was only thinking the other night; " I could Kill a decent curry! ". (Kill a f*ckin mink, one of these days! But that's an old one now :rolleyes:) Think to yeself as ye get stuck in, mate; " That c*** can't get This in Leitrim! ". Then be sure Rose has a couple more bottles of Shiraz at home for ye. And a hand cart ~ whoops, sorry! ! Cab ~ to get ye bloated carcass there :laugh:


All the Very f*ckin Best, mate! I'll be in town today and shall raise a glass to ye myself and tell anyone who can stand to be in yelling range of me that it's my mates Birthday. Finest Lurcherman and Finest Author I've ever had the deep pleasure of knowing as a personal friend :good:


Bless ye, mate. They broke the f*ckin mould when they created you :yes:

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