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Wee Injury, Big Bill & That's Me Done For The Season.

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Do you not think your better letting the air at it to heal it quicker

That is daylight robbery for a little skin tear and i would of hit the roof with that price.. ..my dog is insured and that is a all new ball game to the vet's..i had a problem a while back with the p

should have stiched it yourself would have cost you less than £3

Good for you OCD oop's csd..your input is second to none on the matter. :thumbs: .i just hope i have someone like you on hand when the shit realy hit's the fan.. :yes:

Edited by Millet
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Wee update, after contacting vetsnow, they have decided to waive the £644 bill (I thought as much) and my vet will bill the insurance direct.


Stitches came out yesterday.



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