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i have an s400 with a rowan mag conversion and its absolutley spot on, i wouldnt part with it,i also have a bsa scorpion (both in 177) the scorpion is very very accurate but for me theres no comparison the aa s400 wins hands down,shoots pellet on pellet every time,is as smooth as i could ask for,but as said its down to what fits you better, my bsa is for my son to use but i can use it quite comfortabley but again the aa fits me even better cheers

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Thanks i was just thinking what other folks thought. As today i got offered a bsa r10 mk2 for one of my air arms s410 and i said no way as i have all ways liked air arms.Air arms has never let me down. very good in the field and for target.The other day i took my s400 and was hitting pin's at 65 yards.

Edited by joel56
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I wouldn't say that AA are better than BSA mate.


Each company have some great rifles and each are as good as each other depending on which rifle you like.


Look at AA, they have the brilliant S410 / S400 and S510, TX200 and Pro Sport.


BSA have the R10 Mk 2, Super 10, Ultra and Scorpion. Springer wise AA models are far superior to the BSA models.

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I like them both, but for my new gun I'm getting a BSA Scorpion SE at the end of the month as when i tried it in the shop i loved the feel of the scorpion over the Air Arms S400, but i must admit i thought both guns are beautiful, and seemed well built!


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I was tempted to go have a look at the bsa r10 again but my heads telling me to and my hearts saying your mad! I have never had any problem's with the AA rifle's.I used to have a bsa ultra and a r10 witch i ultra was to small.And the r10 just diden't suit me its a shame as the r10 is a lovely looking gun

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