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You will need:

  • 2 demijohns (sterilised)
  • 2.5 lb honey
  • juice of a lemon
  • 5 litres of water
  • 1 teaspoon of wine yeast
  • an air lock

1. Put the water, honey, vit c, and lemon juice in a large saucepan and bring to the boil.

2. Leave the mixture to cool (so you don't kill the yeast) then take a mug full of the mixture and dissolve the yeast in this.

3. Pour the mug of honey solution and yeast back into the saucepan and stir.

4. Pour mixture into a demijohn and seal with an air lock

5. leave for a couple of weeks.

6. Siphon off the liquid into another demijohn and store in a cool, dark place.

7. When the liquid is clear (and no more bubbles of CO2 are being produced) transfer it to bottles and store for about a year.


Good luck with the mead!

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heres some that I started last year, have bottled some of it, its around 9 months old now, now we had a bottle of commercially produced mead, that tastes fantastic, mine tastes nothing like that,lol, more along the paint stripper flavour,lol


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I made my first batch of mead back in October. Bottled it about two weeks ago just in regular, clear wine bottles. Tasted okay (though very dry and not much honey flavour), but im told it should improve in flavour if you age it for a good 6 months plus. Gonna make some more soon, this time with twice as much honey, hopefully get a more sweeter brew.


Also got some Quince wine brewing away right now, which tastes bloody amazing.

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