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Very much a personal choice but 223 I would normally zero at 150, and the others I would personally zero at 250 or 300 dependent on your usage, personally I dont go for the inch high thing, cant see the value of it.

I would zero the 223 at 200 but I find it a pain at that range as I am too fusy about group sizes

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Wow ......250-300..thats a tidy distance......every thing i ever owned was 100m (apart from .22 ...50m) ..If i go to the top of the country i re zero at 200m,.....Whats the 375 h&h used for ?

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Thanks alot chaps:-) thinking around the 100 -125 depending on the cal, 375 is for moose in bc canada, will have play see [BANNED TEXT] happends, also was thinking hawke sidewinders 30 8-32x56 as i love the scope on the air rifles and it has build in recoil spring, what you think?



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For the .223, .243 and .308 I personally would be thinking an inch high at 100 yards depending on the type of ground you'll be shooting over and typical shooting distances.


What configuration is the .375 H&H? Standard bolt-action or something more exotic with iron sights?

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You will tend to find approx distances many people will tend to zero each calibre, but running with the pack is seldom the answer where precision is required!


You zero at the distance you find most of your quarry or the target, it isn't rocket science.


If someone else has a 300 yard zero on their .223 because that works for them, why should you zero at 300 yards if all you do is shoot foxes with it 50 yards away?


It is well known that I am no fan of this 1" high at 100 yards s**t, that is only ever a guesstimate of True Zero and what is the point? The usual response is because it is easier, if you want to shoot at live quarry 300 yards away then get some practise at 300 yard shooting not 100yards!


If your quarry is all at 100 yards, 200 yards, 300 yards whatever, then zero at that distance because you can obviously shoot at that distance. If you commonly shoot somewhere in the middle of that then zero in the middle of that!



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You will tend to find approx distances many people will tend to zero each calibre, but running with the pack is seldom the answer where precision is required!


You zero at the distance you find most of your quarry or the target, it isn't rocket science.


If someone else has a 300 yard zero on their .223 because that works for them, why should you zero at 300 yards if all you do is shoot foxes with it 50 yards away?


It is well known that I am no fan of this 1" high at 100 yards s**t, that is only ever a guesstimate of True Zero and what is the point? The usual response is because it is easier, if you want to shoot at live quarry 300 yards away then get some practise at 300 yard shooting not 100yards!


If your quarry is all at 100 yards, 200 yards, 300 yards whatever, then zero at that distance because you can obviously shoot at that distance. If you commonly shoot somewhere in the middle of that then zero in the middle of that!



Bang on

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