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Help Needed !

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hello guys im stuck in a sticky situation !
please dont comment if you dont have anything helpfull to say.

i work a bull terrier x spaniel on rabbits (never baught as a working dog) we got her 10 weeks old from someone who diudnt want her. out walking one day comes back with a bunny ? as you can imagine proud of her but abit shocked as shes only a little dog anyway from then on shes seems to have picked up a very very strong prey drive (also hard to belive but a load of local people who i go out with running lurchers said they never seen a little dog like it in there life ! she will happily run all night down the lamp. ( i do keep lurchers aswell so i know how weird it must sound me saying i run her ..but when i pick up the striker she knows whats going on and loves nothing more what ever is on the lamp is game for her. and she will pull it down if she can catch up (rabbits) (but shes amazing with stock. !!!

anyway more to the point of the topic my friend has a greyhound collie whippit was going lamping,, all dogs out the back (willow my spaniel x bull hasnt been out due to bleeding in seasonn so was taking my lurcher pup out, goes out to collect my friends lurcher and he was back to back with her. now shes only 2 but i was going to breed in a couple years time for something with a little more leg for personal use but buddy the bugger who shafted her is only a year old (nice little hearty dog abit like willow) do you think she is in up the duff ? she has been bleeding still for a couple days not much but there is still blood comming out as she was only bleeding for a week before the incident. ? i hope she isnt but it is what it is !

please i dont want comments that slag me off saying im a weirdo, just because i have a small x breed dog that has more heart than a butchers !!!

she only has spaniel ears rest is muscle and bull head. (has an amazing nose) pic of her black and white ! (picture doesnt do justice of how fit she is.


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Sounds a cracking dog :thumbs:


She certainly could be pregnant - you can get a scan at about 4 weeks after mating ( from vet, or from many experienced dog men - you can find them advertising for about £20 ) or get someone to have a listen to her ( again, vet, or someone who knows ) from 3-4 weeks after the mating.

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get her jabbed at the vets mate both dogs are to young and not proven do you really want a litter of pups down the looking after and trouble getting homes for them can be a heart breaker or keep one you want and bucket the rest but myself i would get her to the vets and get rid of the pups there is a lot of dogs in the dogs homes no one wants shame to had more .atb

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yehh ill go vets today make sure its not too late . yehh looking back i dont really no why i bought her as i have always been a (working dog only) owner but i think she has just learnt so much from the stuff around me and what goes on she has the mind of a lurcher. its hard to tell what a dog thinks but i really feel the connection there she understands what i want her to do. she works well running with big lurchers aswell , she is one hellova jumper ill try and upload some footage of her jumping and retriving .. i have afew videos that will make the antis loose there mind so hopefully the next couple years the ban gets lifted and i can show her off as a reliable DECENT strong hearted bitch ! with abit more leg she would be a good antler tool as she loves to get involved .

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It's personal inan.. :D ..but the jab's don't half hurt..apparently the vet said they is a additive added to make it painful so women and young lasses don't get hold of it to try and abort a human pregnancy.. :thumbs:

Edited by Millet
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