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There's nuclear weapons and then there's nuclear weapons......

Aye.......but what's the most over rated nuclear weapon and what's the most under rated nuclear weapon ! :)

Edited by WILF
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Nope,, in North Korea,, shoot the fecker with the biggest HAIR first,, freaky little Elvis munchkin arsehole

They start. It the yanks will finish it. In about 25 mins. Be like the power grid getting switched off , big army Marching up and down with enough ammo to last a day and they have treid and tr

They've not warned them that they are going to but that they would carry out a pre-emptive nuclear strike IF the US continue to threaten them with nuclear war.   It's just typical bolshy bollocks. T

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A man who worked in a chink we go in escaped on a ship and settled here he used to tell us stories of the mad fooker who just died big army no weapons half the tanks they parade of just shells and the big army marches and marches round and round they will starve them selves and there people if the carry on , mad fookers and evil as they come

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I think all the talk from the NK gov't is just their way of keeping their own people in check. Trying to stir some national pride by saying "see how strong we are, we stand up to the Americans". I am not the least bit worried about NK. The enemies I fear are the ones within our own borders and within our own government. We have been nearly effectively defeated already from within. It won't take much more for the US to degenerate into civil war. My own brother is planning to move out of the country this year and I am thinking it over as well. The US citizens a generation or 2 ago prided themselves on independence, self-sufficiency, and liberty. Today more than 1/2 the population votes for whoever they think will give the most government handouts. If the populace here had any sense or any backbone left we would already be rioting in the streets. Everyone is just lazy and apathetic or just plain scared.

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I was reading recently about their attempt at making an ICBM. It blew up 90 seconds after take off :yes:


They rely on China to harbour all of their diplomatic relations in Beijing based embassies, which will be the next thing to disappear if things escalate, then it will be every penny of foreign finance will suddenly stop.


They will be bankrupt and starving from the bottom right to the top of the echelons...

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I think more than anything the worry is how quick these c**ts threatened with there new nuclear weapons. Only had them 2 minutes and already threatening to use them. What they going to be like in 20 year when they have something decent to use.

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Arnt they a bunch of fecking loons,, those north Koreans ,,, see them chasing after the president,,, screaming like rock groupies ,,,, fecking nuts,,,,or is it,,, just a bit of propaganda for the west,,,,,,or are they petrified not to act like that..?

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there prob the last of a trully oppressed nation tomo. when that c**ts dad died were competing to who could cry the loudest. wonder why our goverments arent rushing in to help the people.oh wait they have nukes and loads of fanatical soldiers.lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

The best out come is that the chinks will get in their and sort these nutcases out.......china may be a lot of things but they have never been stupid

Edited by WILF
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The best out come is that the chinks will get in their and sort these nutcases out.......china may be a lot of things but they have never been stupid

i do believe thats what the usa are trying to force them to do with all these war games and missile movements :thumbs:

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